Last night we packed up the boys and headed out for an early dinner at IHOP. Adam thought it was so silly that we were having breakfast for dinner (even though scrambled eggs for supper isn’t anything new at our house since that child only eats like five different things). After eating and a quick trip to the store, we were off to the train station.

We changed the kids in to their pajamas before we went in and they were all set for a ride on the Polar Express.

Adam was not a fan of the sing-a-long that the elves led before we boarded the train. That isn’t to imply that the elves didn’t have nice voices, it was just too loud for him.

I was really hoping for a nice picture of the two of them together (that’s always my mission really – and I fear it’s going to move even closer towards impossible next May).

Luke was a little scared when the train first started to move, but he got over it quickly.

Getting a decent picture of me with the boys wasn’t going to happen last night either. Luke didn’t want to sit still and Adam refused to keep his eyes open.

Mickey stole away for the trip as well. He didn’t have a ticket, but he did wear his pajamas – so we’ll let it slide.

After the train stopped in the “North Pole” Santa got on board and spent some time visiting with each child.

The Duke loved waving to Mr. C (from a distance), but was not happy about sitting on his lap.

Adam shared his wishlist with Santa. He’s been asking for the same three things for months – the Huckle Game, a play kitchen, and a pogo stick*.

Before leaving, Santa Claus gave each boy a bell from his sleigh and Adam promised to leave some chocolate chip cookies out for him on Christmas Eve.
* Adam will not be getting a pogo stick and if you get one for my son I will beat you with it. I have no desire to start 2013 with another trip to the ER.