The other night I went out shopping (alone – it was heavenly) for two and half hours. I got two text messages from Dave. One telling me that we’d suffered our first ornament casualty of 2012. It’s really no surprise. The line between Christmas decoration and ball to be thrown is a fine one for Luke. I got the full story from Adam later. He was trying to put the ornament back on the tree, so Luke wouldn’t get in trouble, and it fell. I’m sure it won’t be the last.
The second text said that Adam had unrolled an entire thing of paper towels. When Dave asked him why, he held the then empty tube up to his eye and said, “Because I wanted to be a pirate. Ahoy matey!”.
As Dave was re-rolling the paper towels, Luke went in to the kitchen and stole three unwrapped Hershey kisses off of the counter (Dave was using them to make his contribution to a potluck for the following day).

These boys, I tell you what, they keep us on our toes.
Also, if it seems like my kids are in pajamas a lot, it’s because they are. We’ve had issues lately with Luke keeping his clothes on, so in order to keep him warm I’ve been resorting to footed pajamas (he hasn’t figured out how to get out of them – yet). Adam loves to wear pjs so anytime he sees Luke wearing them he takes it as an open invitation for him to change in to them as well. And really, some battles just aren’t worth fighting.