Missing the man-to-man defense

If Adam is Major Trouble, then Luke is definitely General Mayhem. Dave went back to work today, after being off since before Christmas. I was definitely spoiled being able to divide and conquer, when it comes to the kids, for so long.

2013-01-07 09.57.16While I was helping Adam make his bed this morning I heard a crash from the kitchen. I had put the tray from the high chair (with half a bowl of cereal on it) across the sink. The plan had been to get Adam going with his morning chores and then come back and clean up from breakfast.

Luke, apparently, had other plans.

So yes, it’s partially my fault for not having the foresight to at least remove the items from the tray before leaving the room.

Lesson learned.

18 Months

Luke had his 18 month checkup today.


He was in a pretty good mood (this was before he got his shot).


He currently weighs 24 pounds and 8 ounces and is 32.5 inches tall.  20130104_150348

He’s about 2.5 inches taller than Adam was at this age and a pound and a half (ish) heavier.20130104_150353

His next appointment is in July and he’ll be two! These kids are growing like weeds!!

Weight Length
June 9, 2011 7 lbs 12 oz 20.5 inches
June 14, 2011 7 lbs 4 oz 21 inches
June 23, 2011 7 lbs 10 oz not taken
July 11, 2011 9 lbs 3 oz 21.75 inches
August 16, 2011 11 lbs 2 oz 22.75 inches
October 21, 2011 14 lbs 5 oz 25.75 inches
December 21, 2011 17 lbs 1 oz 26.25 inches
April 3, 2012 19 lbs 4 oz 29 inches
July 3, 2012 21 lbs 5 oz 30 inches
October 3, 2012 22 lbs 1 oz 31.25 inches
January 4, 2013 24 lbs 8 oz 32.5 inches

Mabel’s Crew

The boys got new shirts for Christmas from Mabel & Papa.


Adam was very excited to be dressed just like Mabsie (it didn’t hurt that the shirts are green – his favorite color).  IMG_0143

Also, while at my parents’ for Christmas, I learned that when Luke says “mama” he’s not calling me (like I originally thought). Apparently, in Lukespeak, “mama” means “give me that” and normally refers to something he can eat.

He does say “dada” loud and clear though (not that I’m jealous or anything).

What Christmas is all about

IMG_0081We actually haven’t opened those gifts yet (and no, they aren’t all for Adam and Luke). The boys are having a blast right now, playing in the snow with Papa, Uncle Steve, and Daddy, while we wait for Aunt Stacy and Uncle Robbie to get here.

So I figured I’d pop in and wish you all a very Merry Christmas. I hope you all are having as much fun with your families today as I am having with mine.

And suddenly, there was with the angel a multitude of the Heavenly Host praising God, and saying, “Glory to God in the Highest, and on Earth peace, and good will toward men.

That’s what Christmas is all about, Charlie Brown.

Mischief & Mayhem

The other night I went out shopping (alone – it was heavenly) for two and half hours. I got two text messages from Dave. One telling me that we’d suffered our first ornament casualty of 2012.  It’s really no surprise. The line between Christmas decoration and ball to be thrown is a fine one for Luke. I got the full story from Adam later. He was trying to put the ornament back on the tree, so Luke wouldn’t get in trouble, and it fell. I’m sure it won’t be the last.

The second text said that Adam had unrolled an entire thing of paper towels. When Dave asked him why, he held the then empty tube up to his eye and said, “Because I wanted to be a pirate. Ahoy matey!”.

As Dave was re-rolling the paper towels, Luke went in to the kitchen and stole three unwrapped Hershey kisses off of the counter (Dave was using them to make his contribution to a potluck for the following day).

These boys, I tell you what, they keep us on our toes.

Also, if it seems like my kids are in pajamas a lot, it’s because they are. We’ve had issues lately with Luke keeping his clothes on, so in order to keep him warm I’ve been resorting to footed pajamas (he hasn’t figured out how to get out of them – yet). Adam loves to wear pjs so anytime he sees Luke wearing them he takes it as an open invitation for him to change in to them as well. And really, some battles just aren’t worth fighting.

Hey Good Lookin’

Santa wasn’t the only one that spoiled the kids this past weekend. Their Great Grandma Rose got them a play kitchen, food to go with it, and each a new pair of pajamas.

We took the kitchen down to the family room right away so they could get started playing.

Adam was so happy to get everything set up, and immediately began cooking. He seems to make a lot of soup. Just the other day he brought me a delicious blend of ice cream, strawberries, french fries, and peas.

Luke loves eating Adam’s creations and talking on the phone that came with the kitchen. He’s starting to say more recognizable words lately (hello, mama, dada, thank you, uh oh, and doggy). I’m sure it won’t be long before I have another little chatterbox on my hands.

An early visit from The Claus

We celebrated an early Christmas at home on Saturday with the boys. While they were napping Santa Claus came and when they woke up they got to open their gifts from him, and also from their Great Grandma Rose.

Luke wasn’t feeling that great, those pesky teeth were bothering him. So Adam delivered his gifts (and helped him open them).

I was most surprised by how excited Adam was with his new bathrobe. He insisted on putting it on right away.

Luke’s favorite gift was a set of magnetic puzzles (one has fish and the other bugs). He gets so excited whenever he “catches” something.

Although, an empty box was a close second for favorite new toy.