
Last night, Luke was was getting in trouble for biting me and Adam ran up with his toy camera. He pretended to take a picture and then said, “You need to put this on the website mommy”.

I’m thinking that maybe recording all their naughty antics might be be sending the wrong message (but don’t worry, I’m not going to stop).

Gender Issues

At the end of my appointment on Wednesday, the ultrasound technician asked me if I was sure I didn’t want to know the baby’s gender. She told me that she knew (further proving I have no idea what I am looking at during a sonogram, because I was looking at the screen the whole time). I told her we wanted to be surprised (and we do), but it’s killing me now that someone else knows. Hopefully we can make it through the next 3 months without one of my doctors telling us accidentally, now that it’s in my chart.

Scan10046 Scan10047 Scan10049

Family Fun Night

Tuesday morning I had planned on taking the boys to the indoor playground. Adam was especially excited about the trip. He spent the entire time we were getting ready telling me which toys he was going to play with and how much fun he was going to have. So we were both disappointed to see a “closed” sign on the door when we got there.

When Dave got home from work we decided to drive to the next town over and take them to a different indoor play place and then go out to dinner. They have a small area geared specifically toward younger kids and Luke had a blast in there.

2013-02-05 18.16.46He spent the most time playing with this toy – which is almost identical to one he got for Christmas. The main difference being that this toy was partially broken. Luke got so frustrated when he couldn’t get it to work like the one at home.

2013-02-05 18.14.13Of course Adam had to check it out and make sure Luke wasn’t having too much fun without him.

2013-02-05 18.30.05Luke really liked this slide as well. It was just his size and he was able to climb up the ladder and go down it all on his own (which he did over, and over, and over again). I had to lead him to something different when some older, bigger kids started taking turns and not paying attention to whether or not Luke was off the slide before they slid down it.

2013-02-05 18.42.25

Luke loved the big slide too (once Dave pushed helped him down it). 2013-02-05 18.29.002013-02-05 18.35.47 2013-02-05 18.24.36

2013-02-05 18.28.28 2013-02-05 18.44.53 IMG_0183 Both boys had a blast and Adam is already asking when we can go back.

Super Boys

The boys weren’t really that in to the game last night.

2013-02-03 21.10.47Though Luke did wear a pair of football jammies in honor of the event.

2013-02-03 21.10.07Adam was most interested in fixing things and playing with his Little People.

2013-02-03 21.01.02

He even upgraded Noah from that cumbersome old ark to something a little faster (I think the animals must be flying coach).2013-02-03 19.55.59

It’s okay.

A couple of mornings ago I came out of the laundry room to discover the boys had taken the cushion off of a chair and were jumping from the chair, to the cushion, to the ottoman, and then to a pillow.

I asked Adam what was going on and he told me, “It’s okay mommy. Me and Luke are pretending to be grown-ups, so we can jump on the furniture. Kids aren’t supposed to jump on the furniture, but we pretending to be grown-ups. So it’s okay.”

I am totally not prepared to argue with logic like that.

Tackle Adam

One of Luke’s current favorite things to do is to tackle Adam. It’s fun for both of them and I love hearing them laugh as they play together (until someone invariably gets hurt that is).

Puzzling Behavior

Me: Adam, is there anything you want to tell me about your bedroom?

Adam: No.

Me: Are you sure?

Adam: Well, I thought it would be a good idea to do all my puzzles at the same time.

2013-01-30 12.31.11In case you were wondering – not a good idea. Also, the seven puzzles, that we keep in Adam’s room – so that Luke won’t get in to them and make a mess, have a combined 272 pieces.

Mickey Truck

I had some errands to run yesterday and Adam saw this Mickey Mouse ride as soon as we walked in to one of the stores. He asked me right away if I had any coins in my wallet. I told him I did and he asked me if he and Luke were really good in the store, if they could please ride the firetruck on the way out.

2013-01-28 10.50.58

I agreed and he and Luke were really good in the store (well, that store at least). Adam held on to the cart nicely and didn’t ask to buy anything. This was a pretty big deal since we were in Toys R Us, though it probably helped that I stuck to only looking at clothes and diapers while we were there.

In the end I didn’t end up buying anything (they were out of the diapers I was looking for), but the boys did get to ride the Mickey Mouse firetruck. Luke quickly decided that he did not like the ride at all, but Adam loved it (he may have been allowed two turns on it).

2013-01-28 10.52.42


The planets have been aligned just right lately and I’ve gotten a few pictures of the boys together. They’ve all been taken with my cell phone, so the quality isn’t necessarily the greatest – but hey, I’ll take what I can get.

2013-01-21 10.48.50 2013-01-23 10.01.43 2013-01-23 10.26.03 2013-01-22 10.27.05


This kid cracks me up.

IMG_0133He’s wearing: Two pairs of pajama pants, a belt, two long sleeve tee shirts, a sweatshirt, a Syracuse jersey (backwards), a necklace from Hawaii, penguin socks, and his dad’s old hat. Since it’s currently 5 degrees here, I’m just happy he’s keeping warm.