Pics with Chicks

We had the boys’ pictures taken this morning for Easter (hey, I’ll take any excuse for more photos). The photographer had real live baby chicks to use during the session and Luke thought they were the best thing ever. Adam even surprised me by holding one of the chickens.

2013-03-09 11.05.15

I’ll share the professional pictures when we get them back in a couple of weeks. For now, here is one more of The Duke that I snapped with my cell phone. Apparently he was in a “say cheese” mood.

2013-03-09 11.54.14

Who needs AAA?

Adam just came up to me and told me that I needed to buy him a new pair of Woody boots because there was something wrong with his. I looked at his feet and could tell there was something inside one of his slippers. So I had him take it off and give it to me. There was a toy car inside. When I pointed it out to him he said, “Mama, that’s my “toe” truck.”

2013-03-08 10.17.40He’s too much sometimes.

New Attitude

If only my children had some toys, or something to play with…2013-03-05 12.24.33This was just after we finished picking everything up before naptime the other day. I wasn’t feeling well and caught myself getting very frustrated with Adam during the process. So I walked away for a couple of minutes and came back when I had a little more patience (this is something I struggle with, I’ve never been a very patient person). Apparently it worked because we finished cleaning up and Adam said, “I like your new attitude Mommy. Thank you.”


Dave picked up our new wheels on Friday. We decided to switch Luke’s carseat around to facing forward and it’s like a whole new world for him.

2013-03-01 17.21.08

Adam has already told me that he doesn’t want to put the new baby’s carseat in  between him and Luke, because then his friends can’t sit there. Good thing we have another whole row of seating.

Even more sharper

This morning a certain three-year-old had a small tantrum because I couldn’t find his green reindeer shirt and he wanted to wear it. The truth is I didn’t even know what he was talking about. I finally figured out he was talking about his green John Deere shirt (I’m a little slow sometimes). Unfortunately that shirt was in the wash so he wore his Mabel shirt, with his I love Papa shirt on top.

IMG_0229 “I look even more sharper like this!”

Then later, while we were out running errands, we saw a man snowblowing his driveway. Adam said, “Look mommy, that man is mowing his snow.”

More Gray Hair

This morning I sent Adam in to his room to pick out the clothes he wanted to wear. A couple of minutes later I heard him yell for help. When I opened his closet door I found this.

2013-02-26 09.26.56It’s a good thing he doesn’t weigh much.