It was pretty nice outside Tuesday when Dave got home from work, so he took the boys outside with him to rake and pick up the sticks in the front yard.

I enjoyed the quiet for a few minutes and then went out to join them. Luke ended up in the Redneck Playpen after he tried to run into the road (twice). He wasn’t happy about it.

After the sticks were cleared we went to the backyard so Dave and Adam could refill the bird feeders. I think we’ll have some very happy birds (and squirrels – since they seem to think it’s for them).

Then the boys and I played outside while Dave ran to the store to get some hot dogs and hamburgers to grill.

Adam collected rocks and has about twenty of them in the pocket of his sweatshirt there.

Luke looks so old to me lately. My dad keeps reminding me he’s going to look even bigger once the new baby is here.

He kept bringing me all the big rocks he could find. One of these days he’s going to bring me a snake or something like that and I’m going to lose my mind.
It was starting to get chilly as Dave grilled, but Adam insisted we eat outside. I’m glad he did because it was a lot of fun for all of us. I’m looking forward to a lot more nights like this.