This kid makes me laugh.
First 90 Degree Day of 2013
I knew it was going to get really hot here today, so as soon as everyone was up and dressed this morning we went right outside. I wanted to let the boys run and play before it got too warm.
They actually had their breakfast on the back patio.
Luke is still really hard to photograph. He rarely sits still. I love that this picture caught his dimple though.
Adam dressed himself, in case you couldn’t tell. He wanted to be all green, because it’s his “favorite clullor”.
After Dave got home, Maggie and I went shopping while he set up the water table for Adam and Luke. The boys were very happy with that surprise (especially since Adam had been asking to play with it all morning).
I couldn’t resist testing this headband on Maggie this morning to see if it fit (she has a really little head – we’re talking 4th percentile here). I was pleasantly surprised when it did fit. Maggie helped with laundry for the first time. Okay, she just laid on the dryer while the rest of us worked. Adam and Luke are both turning in to super laundry helpers. They both help load the clothes in to the washer and move them to the dryer. I don’t remember the last time I took a load of clothes out of the dryer either. Adam does that for me and puts the clean clothes in to the laundry basket.
Luke has the best “cheese” face. All you have to do is point your camera (or phone) at him and he immediately smiles.
Someone let Adam in on the secret that what we always referred to as the “music truck” is actually an ice cream truck. So Adam has been asking for ice cream in a cone for a while now. I picked up some last time I was at the grocery store and he was happy to have this as a snack after lunch today. One of these days we’ll actually get him a treat from the truck (normally it passes by our house before dinner). I think we might need to have a dessert first night.
Luke is starting to show more interest in his little sister. Last night he sat next to Dave on the couch and was gently petting her head (it sounds weird, but she does have super soft hair). This afternoon he actually asked to hold her. This lasted for all of about thirty seconds, but it’s a start.
Little Girl Blue
Adam loves holding Maggie’s hand when we are going places. The other day her hand was hidden inside her sleeve and he was so upset. He finally decided to hold her nose (I convinced him holding her shirt was a better idea).As soon as Luke gets in his carseat (even if we very obviously aren’t going anywhere) he has to cover up with a Mabel blanket.
I had a coupon to use at Penney’s the other day and so I picked up a couple things for Maggie. The first outfit I chose was this blue one.
I thought it was funny that for the first time, I had free reign over the baby girl section and all the frilly pink outfits, and I went with something blue. She looks pretty adorable in it.
Sugar & Spice
The Three Bears
The swing of things
Luke is starting to show a little bit more interest in his sister. He actually gave her two kisses earlier. Then he willingly climbed in to the chair so I could try to get a picture of the three of them.
I only got this one picture before he ran off to do something else, but both boys were smiling (just not looking at the camera).
Adam is all about his little sister though. He calls her Eggbert (he got it from a cartoon) and is constantly asking if he can give her a kiss. This morning, while she was in her swing, he sat right next to her to make sure it didn’t go too fast.
He did have to turn it up as fast as it could go once though, just to see what would happen.
Bear in the Chair – Maggie Edition
Hard to believe she’s already a week old.Even harder to believe that we started doing this almost four years ago with this guy.