According to Adam, again

I decided to ask Adam the same set of questions I asked him last year about his Daddy. Happy Father’s Day Dave!

How old is Daddy?  Younger than me

 How tall is Daddy? 146

What color is Daddy’s hair? Brown

What color are Daddy’s eyes? Brown

What is Daddy’s favorite color? Orange

      **Here Adam told me he had a question for me.

      Adam: What is Daddy’s favorite animal? I’ll give you a guess. He lives in the arctic on a iceberg and he can’t fly. He dives in the water.

      Me: Is it a penguin?

      Adam: Yes it is! Good job mom!

What Daddy’s favorite song? Hot Potato. Dad has a lot of favorite songs.

What is Daddy’s favorite TV Show? Baseball

What is your favorite thing to do with Daddy? Play the catching game outside.

What is something Daddy always says to you? Clean up

What is Daddy’s job? To do the laundry for you.

What is Daddy’s favorite food? Tookies & Milk

What is Daddy’s favorite drink? Water

What does Daddy like to wear? His clothes, his coat with the eagle on it and his red shorts

What does Daddy do for fun? Watch his shows and play at the park

Where does Daddy like to go? To the playground with us

What do you do to make Daddy laugh? Do my choo choo joke

What makes Daddy so smart? I don’t know. He never told me.

What makes Daddy happy? When I listen

Why do you love Daddy? Because he’s my best friend.

What’s in a name?

I can remember when Dave and I first started talking about having children. He told me that he really liked the name Maggie for a little girl and I couldn’t believe it. I’d always thought if I ever had a daughter, I’d like to name her Margaret Elsa, after my grandmothers. So it seemed pretty perfect that the two of us agreed on a girl name so quickly.

While we were visiting my parents last weekend, Maggie got to meet the two great grandmothers that she was named after. Here she is with my mom’s mom, my Grandma Marge (Margaret).

IMG_0738And here is a picture of her with my dad’s mom, my Grandma Elsa. 

IMG_0775I am so honored that my daughter gets to share her name with those two special ladies.

Doll Face

There are a lot of different things I need to catch up on here (Maggie’s birth story, our trip to the petting zoo, Luke’s birthday, etc). And let’s not talk about the two loads of laundry that need folding, the photos that need printing and backing up, and the rest of my to do list.


Tonight I added sewing a sun hat for Miss Margaret and her teeny tiny head to that unending list. I tried to buy her one, sized 0-9 months, and it looked like she was wearing a lampshade. I’ve already found a free pattern online to use and am sure I have plenty of fabric, now just to make the time.

It is supposed to rain all day tomorrow. So I think I’ll go pick out some material now – just on the off chance the boys are playing nicely, she is napping, and I don’t have anything else to do. The laundry isn’t going anywhere right?

Our Girl Mags

We got the disk with the rest of Maggie’s newborn photos in the mail yesterday. Here are some of my favorites.


Luke was still adjusting to his little sister and wasn’t at all interested in getting pictures taken that day.

g3 g5 g7 g10 g11 g12 g13 g14 g15 g16 g19 g20


Dave took the boys to get haircuts Saturday afternoon. I didn’t have a lot of hope that Adam would come back with his done, but he handled it really well this time and didn’t cry at all. Apparently he and his brother switched roles though, because Luke had a fit about it. It was a successful trip though and both kids have nice short hair for summer.

2013-06-03 13.49.44 Miss Maggie now has the longest hair out of our three kids.

2013-06-03 13.51.59

This was my lap during naptime today. It was pretty cozy.

2013-06-03 14.28.59

Luke’s 2 Year Portraits

I took Luke this morning to get his pictures taken. I wasn’t sure how they would turn out since he’s not a big fan of sitting still. Thankfully the photographer was incredibly patient and got some great shots. These are the three we ended up getting.

P1 P5 P7It was hard for me to narrow it down to just those three. Here are the others she took.

P2 P3 P4 P6 P8 P9 P10 P11 P12I still can’t believe he’s going to be two next weekend!