Animal Crackers

Last month, when Dave’s parents were visiting, we went to the children’s zoo near our house. We got there just in time to visit the goat maternity ward and see the baby goats.




Then we went to check out some other animals. The boys had fun feeding the deer and the fish (thanks Grandma & Grandpa for getting the food for them).

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DSCN2630This peacock impressed us all as he was strutting around.

DSCN2640 And no trip to the children’s zoo is complete without spending some time in the playground area.

DSCN2650 On the way out the boys used up the last of the crackers. This picture makes me laugh because it captured their personalities so perfectly. Adam trying to get away from the alpaca, and Luke luring it closer with a treat. (Edit: Dave says it’s a llama, I am sticking with alpaca.)


Maggie wasn’t too interested in the animals or the play area. She was content being snuggled by her grandma.


Today: 06.21.2013

Here Maggie is modeling the other hat I found for her while shopping. It was the last one of its kind and the smallest size available – it was meant to be. With this hat and the one she wore yesterday she should be covered (literally).

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I sent Adam in the house to get a hat for himself. It’s not really what I had in mind.

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Adam asked me if he could “paint” the picnic table with chalk. He and Luke had a ball.

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Maggie napped.

2013-06-21 11.03.56 After they were done “painting” the table, I got them a bucket of water and some rags so they could clean it off.

2013-06-21 11.04.13 That turned in to a whole backyard clean up project. Here Luke is removing some graffiti from our steps.

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And of course he needed clean boots.

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This picture cracks me up every time I see it.

IMG_0830 Adam had been having a fit (these pictures were taken right before rest/nap time), which is why his eyes look as if he’d been crying (that and because he had). These long days of playing outside in the sun are tiring him out more than he’s used to.

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Today: 06.20.2013

Last night Dave got out the kids’ sandbox and so they had lots of fun things to play with today. You’ll see that I also solved the sunhat dilemma for Miss Margaret. I picked up this adorable outfit for her for the sole reason that it came with a hat. It looks big in the picture, I know, but I washed it this afternoon and it shrunk (which is what I was hoping for) and now is a great fit.

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We had the water table out today too. Luke spent all him time playing there. Adam went back and forth between that and the sandbox.

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Here’s Adam showing off the Lego creation he made during rest time.

2013-06-20 16.07.22 And this little guy was waiting in the yard for us when we got home from Dave’s softball game earlier. I love all the bunnies that are around our house.

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I’m much less fond of the chipmunks. Especially the two that jumped in the boys’ pool earlier this week (one was rescued by Adam and Dave, the other dove in when there was no lifeguard on duty and didn’t survive).

Today: 06.19.2013

This morning Adam was running in circles around Maggie. I questioned what he was doing and he told me that he was protecting her from getting stolen. When I asked who would take her he said, “the evil king that steals babies, even if their name is Eggbert.”

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Good thing we’ve Adam the Brave keeping guard. Our Eggbert is safe.

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The weather was fantastic today so the boys had lunch outside.

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Adam loved jumping back and forth between the Adam rock and the Luke rock.

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Maggie slept the whole time we were outside. She woke up with lots of smiles.

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Maggie started giving real smiles last night. This is the best picture I was able to get. It was really late and I was really tired (the smiles were worth it though).

IMG_20130619_002709It’s a little tough to tell in this picture, but I think she might have her daddy’s dimples. That makes me really happy. I’m a big fan of dimples.


Date Day

Last Saturday Adam and I had a Mommy & Adam date (Maggie tagged along as a third wheel). The night before the date Adam picked out clothes for himself and Maggie. He even picked out an extra outfit for his little sister, “in case she drools up all over her shirt.” Adam also insisted she needed to wear her giant flower headband, “so she will look beautiful on our date.” (Mom, you’ll be happy to know I went back and changed my punctuation for you on those last two sentences.)

Our first stop was a bit of a surprise. Adam knew we were going to the toy store, but didn’t know there was a special Lego event going on.


He got to pick out the pieces to build a Lego police car and was able to take it home with him.


He is just starting to get in to “big kid” Legos. They are still a little tough for him to work with sometimes, but this project was perfect for him (with a little help from me) and his attention span.

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After Toys R Us we went to the mall. His date was partially planned around errands that I needed to run. He was a good sport about it though, so when he asked for a pretzel at the mall I was happy to agree.


We sat near a fountain and I gave him two pennies to make wishes with. His first wish was for “a lot of more wishes”. A few minutes later a sweet older lady came by with a baggie full of pennies and divided them between Adam and two other boys that were sitting near us. He ended up with five more pennies, so I guess his wish came true.


We had a late lunch at his favorite restaurant (The Apple). He was incredibly well mannered and ordered his own meal. I think he charmed the waitress with his politeness. I was a very proud mama. He even paid for dinner (after I gave him the cash).

20130615_142923Maggie spent most of our date sleeping. Adam was quick to tell anyone that asked that she is his sister and her name is Eggbert (but that Mommy and Daddy call her Maggie).

20130615_142217Adam is already talking about our next date. I’m looking forward to it too.


Today: 06.17.2013

We started the day with a walk/ride. I pushed Luke and carried Maggie.

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Adam decided that we should pick up some of the sticks in the yard after our walk.

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So that’s just what we did.

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Maggie napped in the stroller.

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See that line behind Luke? That’s the line the kids are not allowed to cross while we’re playing in the front of the house. Luke likes to test his boundaries.

2013-06-17 11.18.13 2013-06-17 11.24.44 2013-06-17 11.30.31 Shortly after we came in the house the hail started.

2013-06-17 13.13.26 I love this girl’s hair. She rocks that mohawk (or Maghawk, as we call it).

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We had a pretty low key Father’s Day here. We did take a trip to Lowes to pick up a few things. The boys were very excited to drive the racecart.

2013-06-16 17.11.37 2013-06-16 17.23.11After we finished our shopping we went out for dinner and ice cream. I think it was a pretty good way to celebrate Dave’s first Father’s Day with three kids.



Luke in the Chair at 2

He’s still one of the happiest kids I know. I sure do love this silly, cuddly, little man.

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