Doctor, Doctor, give me the news

Maggie and Luke had doctor’s appointments at the same time on Tuesday. I thought it was a great idea – get them both over with at the same time. Turns out, it was a horrible idea.

2013-07-16 15.27.08Luke started flipping out as soon as I took his shoes off. The nurse came in to measure and weigh him and you would have thought it was some new form of torture. When it was Maggie’s turn, Luke went straight for the door. This meant he was in the perfect position for the doctor to hit him with it when he opened it.

It was a bit of a disaster.

It wasn’t made any easier by the fact that Luke hates our pediatrician (I have no idea why) and cried the whole time he was in the room. He calmed down once the doctor left, but wasn’t too pleased when the nurse came back with their shots (Luke got one and Maggie got two). Then we had to go over to the lab so Luke could have some blood drawn. Thankfully Maggie fell asleep (even through her brother’s screams).

It was exhausting. I’m not sure I’ll ever schedule two kids for appointments at the same time again – or at the very least I won’t attempt to take them alone.

The good news is both of them are healthy and growing like weeds. Luke was 36.25 inches tall (in the 85th percentile for height) and weighed 27 pounds 13 ounces (43rd percentile for weight).

The nurse measured Maggie’s length, but must not have added it to the computers, because it wasn’t on my printout and they didn’t have the information when I called back later (it’s not really important, I was just curious). She weighed in at 10 pounds 7 ounces and the doctor was pleased with her weight gain. Last appointment she was in the 12th percentile and this time she was in the 23rd.

Maggie goes back in two months for another checkup. Luke doesn’t have to go back until he’s three. Hopefully he won’t mind that one too much – he won’t be due for any shots at least.



It’s hot, really hot (80 right now and supposed to get up to 89 later).

Maggie and Luke had check-ups on Tuesday and both got shots, so they’ve been a little crabby the past two days.

Adam thinks he’s going on 14 instead of 4 and has had a terrible attitude (or Adam-tude as we call it) lately. To be fair though, his routine is all out of whack (or non-existent) and we’ve had a lot going on the past couple weeks. We’ve had a few “he’s lucky he’s cute” moments though.

Luke has been in full on Sherman mode lately. It is amazing how quickly that child can find trouble.

I haven’t updated the website in forever (mainly because we were on vacation last week – which was awesome, more on that later).

I have about 3 loads of laundry to fold and put away and another 2 loads that need to be done (casualties of vacation).

That pretty much sums up life here right now.

IMG_20130717_103158So right now I am going to gather my troops and retreat to the air conditioned bedrooms. We’ll see if Sherman lets me get the laundry folded.

Sunday Fun

Yesterday was a really great day. The kids woke up in awesome moods.

20130630_084505Adam, Maggie, and I went to church and all three of us were well-behaved.

2013-06-30 11.44.40 2013-06-30 11.44.55 Some friends stopped by for a quick visit after we got home. Samuel is six months older than Maggie (and pretty darn cute).

2013-06-30 12.21.31 2013-06-30 17.27.05Later some other friends came over for dinner. We hadn’t seen them in over a year and it was so nice to catch up. The kids had a blast playing outside and their daughter, JJ, is such a sweetie. Watching her run around and play made me extra excited to see our little girl grow (but not too fast Maggie).

IMG_0838 This last picture was taken in March of 2012, what a difference 15 months makes!


Today: 06.28.2013

Luke was being particularly Sherman-like today.  Here he is in timeout because he hit Adam.

2013-06-28 11.17.50 Miss Maggie is not in timeout, though she looks very serious about something.

2013-06-28 11.26.01 And here’s Adam showing off the city he made during rest time. It had a garden, a zoo, a fix-it shop, and a market (among other things).

2013-06-28 15.52.29

Today: 06.25.2013

Today we played outside. Here Luke is telling me that it’s starting to rain.

2013-06-25 10.56.03 2013-06-25 11.14.23 2013-06-25 12.10.51 2013-06-25 12.13.13 2013-06-25 12.13.14This is how I found Adam sleeping during rest time – on the floor, half in his empty hamper.

2013-06-25 13.51.54

Adam and I ran some errands tonight – just the two of us. When we went in to Old Navy he immediately jumped in to the mannequin display and told me to find him. I pretended it was more difficult that it really was, the kid sort of stands out.

2013-06-25 18.05.41