Big Girl

This pretty little princess is going to be nine months old this weekend. No teeth yet, which surprises me. Adam and Luke both got their first tooth at six months old. I’m not rushing it, now that Luke is done I’m in no hurry for another teething baby.

2014-01-30 10.41.38She’s not crawling yet, but she can scoot around on the floor. When she’s sitting she’ll bend over parallel to the floor and then sit back up, each time she moves a couple of inches. It’s not the most efficient way to get around, but it does have us eyeing the ground for small toys other things we don’t want her putting in her mouth.

2014-01-29 14.25.36She mastered the art of pulling herself into a standing position earlier this week. It makes Dave laugh because she doesn’t bend her knees when she does it.

She’s pretty fantastic.

Baby Steps

I gave all three kids a bath at the same time the other day. In an attempt to get all three of them to look at me and smile, I resorted to sticking foam bath letters to my forehead. It didn’t work.

2014-01-13 10.20.32

The boys tried to copy me and I’m pretty sure Maggie thinks we’re all crazy.

2014-01-13 10.20.45

Mags was so sleepy tonight that she fell asleep during dinner. I would feel sorry her, but I’m pretty sure she was tired due to our middle of the night bonding session. Or maybe she just doesn’t find green beans that exciting.

2014-01-15 18.43.19 Luke was super excited to see Aunt Stacy and Uncle Robbie tonight. He thought it was the best thing ever than he and “Uncle Rock” were wearing the same color shirt. He kept pointing to himself and then to Rob saying “green!”, over and over.

2014-01-15 19.00.47And just to keep it fair, here’s a cute photo of Adam. He wanted me to take a picture of him with Lumpy and Mickey.

2013-12-29 13.04.53



I know, I know, I don’t post anything for a month and when I do you get my baby making fart noises.


I’m working on getting back in to the swing of things, for now though, this is what you get. To be fair, she is pretty proud of her new sounds.

Sneak Peek

We had Maggie’s photos taken tonight in her baptism gown. Her actual baptism isn’t for a few more weeks, but I wanted to get these pictures done early.

P02The gown originally belonged to my Grandma Marge, and there is a small “M” stitched on the back.

P06My mother (and all her brothers and sisters) wore this gown at their baptisms.

P09Stacy and I wore it to ours as well. I’m so happy that Maggie will be wearing it too.

P07It was tough to get a good picture of Maggie with that rosary (she kept trying to put it in her mouth). The rosary belonged to my Great Grandma Rose and Stacy and I both carried it during our First Communions – that’s another tradition I’m hoping Maggie will be able to continue.



She really is a pretty baby, isn’t she?

P19I’m so very blessed to call this little girl, and her brothers, mine.

Adam’s Vocab

Adam’s vocabulary really amazes me. If he hears a world and doesn’t know what it means, he asks. The kicker though, is that he remembers and then will correctly use it later.


Adam: I have to get up because I need to get all situated again.

Me: What does “situated” mean?

Adam: It means I have to get all my stuff where I want it to go.


Adam: My ears hurt on the airplane and Maggie was laughing at me. I was so embarrassed.

Stacy: What does it mean if you’re feeling “embarrassed”?

Adam: It means I was feeling silly inside.


While we were at Seaworld, Adam insisted on buckling his seat belt each time he got in the stroller we rented – even after we told him that wasn’t necessary (it was actually sort of a pain because he could buckle himself in, but couldn’t undo it).

Dave: Why did you buckle yourself in again?

Adam: Safety Daddy, I’m just trying to stay alive for you guys.

(I stopped telling him not to buckle it after that, the kid had a point.)


7 Months

007 Maggie

Her feet aren’t really that huge, those pajamas are too big for her (you can see I had to cuff her sleeves too). I had her wear them anyway though, because as Dave will tell you, I have a small polka-dot problem when it comes to our daughter’s clothing. I also love cuddling little babies in fleece pajamas, which is good because she should be able to fit in these ones all winter.

Pretty Baby

Last week at this time we were in Florida visiting Dave’s parents. It was a fun trip and Adam is already asking when we can go back.

I’ll work on getting the rest of the pictures off of my camera soon – but here are a few off of my phone, from a mini-photo shoot by the pool (Maggie’s got it rough).

2013-11-27 12.36.28 2013-11-27 12.37.19 2013-11-27 12.37.20 2013-11-27 12.37.37 2013-11-27 12.37.40No more photos please.