
Lately Luke has been pretending to be a superhero, so I finally made myself sit down and finish some capes for him and Adam. I had planned on making them for the boys for Christmas, but that didn’t happen. They really didn’t take much time at all once I finally got started.


The pattern called for the capes to be lined, so I made them reversible. Adam’s is green on  one side, with a “Super Adam” logo on it, and black with a Batman symbol on the other.


Luke’s is red on the “Super Luke” side, and blue with a Superman “S” on the other.


Adam prefers the Batman side, because Batman is a real superhero.

20140325_103432But not me, I’d take Super Adam over Batman any day of the week.

Maggie Two Tooth

Last week was a big one for Maggie. She started clapping and giving high fives. She also got her first two teeth (one on Monday and one on Saturday).


Maggie isn’t really able to stand alone yet. She’s cheating in those pictures by leaning against the wall.

20140324_101753 20140324_101837If you look close in that last picture you can see those teeth peeking out.


Cabin Fever

On Wednesday I took the kids to the indoor playground near our house. This was the first time we’d been this year, because I forgot about it. Yes, there is this amazing resource with the ability to lessen the cabin fever my children have been suffering from, just minutes from my house, and I forgot all about it.

20140305_113616I remembered it last week and so I looked up their hours. They are open three days a week, which is fine, but their hours are from 11 to 3, which is less fine. It’s tough to plan around lunch and rest (or nap if I’m lucky) time. Wednesday morning though, the boys were off the wall, so we made it work. We got there right after they opened and stayed until about one.


Luke was crazy about this ride-on train. If he wasn’t riding on the train, he was crawling along next to it, pretending he was a choo choo too.


Adam told me when we got there that he was going to be brave and go down the fireman pole, all by himself. It took him a little while to work up the courage, but he was pretty proud of himself once he finally got the hang of it.

20140305_120001 20140305_120006 20140305_120611 20140305_124101 We will definitely be going back next week. Especially since this snow doesn’t seem to be going away anytime soon.


Not so Evil

Once upon a time, there was a beautiful princess named Margaret.

2014-03-03 14.59.52Princess Margaret wanted to go to the ball, but her Royal Evil Stepbrothers wouldn’t let her.

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And, even if they were willing to let her go to the ball, she didn’t have a gown. Poor Princess Margaret.

2014-03-03 14.59.55Thankfully, she did have a Fairy Godmama.

2014-03-03 11.12.35So, not only did Princess Margaret go to the ball, but she even danced with her not-so-evil, royal stepbrother.

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The End.

Yesterday morning Adam was running around wearing that Russian hat and pretending to be Maggie’s “Evil, Royal Stepbrother”, though he always told me in a whisper that he wasn’t really evil and was just pretending each time he referred to himself that way.

He said she couldn’t go to the ball because she didn’t have a gown, but that he really did want her to go (this was also told to me in a whisper). So while he was in his room getting dressed, I did a quick outfit change for the princess. I sat her on the floor outside Adam’s bedroom and waited for him to open the door. He was so surprised and excited when he saw her. He really is crazy about that little sister of his.

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10 Months

Love this girl.

010 MaggieI think this was the easiest time we’ve ever had taking these pictures (with Maggie or the boys). This was the second one I took – two pictures and done.

It’s been a while since I’ve shared all of her bear pictures in one place, so here you go:

000 Maggie 001 Maggie 002 Months 003 Maggie 004 Maggie 005 Maggie 006 Maggie 007 Maggie 008 Maggie 009 MaggieShe’s pretty fantastic.


Yesterday, Adam asked me if he could pick out Maggie’s clothes for the day.

20140226_091800She ended up with pink polka dot socks, purple pants, a red penguin shirt, and a rainbow headband. Adam told me that she looked “great.”

She did look pretty cute.