Easter Photos

My sister and I took the kids to get Easter photos taken earlier this month. It didn’t go quite as I had hoped. Luke was more interested in pulling all of the wooden photo prop letters off of the shelf and saying what they were (the good news is he has the alphabet down pat).

05That was the only picture we got with all three kids in it. Not exactly the sweet family photo I had in mind. We ended up getting a decent enough shot of each of them individually though. Luke insisted on holding that heart up to his face.

00At least Adam and Maggie were (mostly) cooperative. Maggie is going through an anti-stranger phase and wasn’t really in to photos either.

02 03They sure did look cute though.


We had a pretty intense game of Candyland last night. Dave and Luke were a team and Maggie and I were a team. Well, we were supposed to be a team, but she spent the whole game gnawing on the extra game piece.

2014-04-15 20.30.57Her lack of interest in the game didn’t stop us from winning though.

Adam has already demanded a rematch.

Playground Fun

Today was another beautiful day. It was in the mid-70s, so we spent the morning at the playground.

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We went out again after rest time to take advantage of the weather.


We needed to enjoy it while it lasted, it’s supposed to snow (again) tomorrow.

Sunny Sunday

We spent some time outside today enjoying the beautiful weather.


Dave got the kids’ bikes out of the shed and Adam got to work washing the winter grime off of them.


It was a big job and he only “accidentally” sprayed Luke with the hose once (okay, twice).


Funny Bunny

We took the kids to a local toy shop this afternoon to see the Easter Bunny.

IMG_2789 IMG_2790 IMG_2791 IMG_2793 IMG_2795 IMG_2796Luke wasn’t crazy about the rabbit. Whenever there were no other kids around she would come to where he was playing and talk to him, and he eventually warmed up.

Just for fun, here are Luke and Adam the first time they met the Easter Bunny.

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