Fire & Rescue

The Lego event this morning was the Mommy/Adam portion of the day. This afternoon was Adam/Luke/Daddy time. Dave took the boys out to lunch and then to see the new Disney movie, Planes: Fire & Rescue.

20140726_152322Luke slept through the last twenty minutes of it, but both boys loved it (Dave said it was pretty good too). I’m looking forward to seeing it when it comes out on DVD.

Can I just say how much I love that they boys both wore their Planes shirts to go to the movies? Also, Adam is wearing two different socks – one is Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and the other is Planes. I love that kid’s style.


This morning I took Adam to the Lego Store for a Ninja Turtle event.

2014-07-26 09.05.29

It wasn’t run nearly as well as the last one we went to (unfortunately). Instead of having trivia and a show-and-tell at the end, the kids just built things for a while and then got their goody bags.

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Adam still had fun though, so that’s all that really matters. He spent some time creating things to help the turtles defeat their enemies. He made a trap, a space ship, and a small island.

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He loved checking out the displays and adding things to his wishlist. He got a Lego Ninja Turtle t-shirt, a small Lego set, and a separate turtle figure in his goody bag. Before we left I also let him fill a container with bricks from the pick-a-brick wall (this was his reward for not biting his finger nails, something he’s been working on for a while).

2014-07-26 10.01.21I picked up a couple of things while we were there too (Dave might not let us visit the Lego Store unsupervised again). We’re planning on making Adam a Lego desk as part of his birthday gift (just 5 days until he’s 5!) and we needed some large base plates for the top. I also got a smaller one to use as a prop for his pictures. Hopefully my visions turn out as well as I’m planning.

15 Month Checkup

Miss Maggie had her 15 month well baby visit today. She’s still a petite little peanut, but she’s healthy and hitting all her milestones when she should. She charmed everyone she met today (no surprise there). However, she was not as enamored with them – especially the young man that tried to take her pulse, the two ladies that attempted to touch her with a stethoscope, and, her least favorite, the woman that gave her the four shots she needed today.

She’s asleep now, but I have a feeling these vaccines aren’t going to make for a fun weekend for poor Mags.

2014-07-25 11.00.47Photo taken prior to her shots

Weight Length
May 2, 2013 7 lbs 3 oz 21 inches
May 8, 2013 6 lbs 6 oz 21 inches
May 16, 2013 6 lbs 13 oz not taken
June 6, 2013 7 lbs 11 oz 21 inches
July 16, 2013 10 lbs 7 oz not taken
September 16, 2013 13 lbs 5 oz 23.5 inches
November 18, 2013 14 lbs 11 oz 23.75 inches
February 18, 2014 16 lbs 8 oz 26.25 inches
May 19, 2014 17 lbs 12 oz 27 inches
July 25, 2014 18 lbs 15 oz 28.2 inches

More Stuff

We finally got the rest of our household goods delivered today! We now have all the kids’ outside toys, the lawn mower, the boys’ pajamas, and the stroller (among other things – those are just the items we were missing the most).

2014-07-24 13.11.16The boys supervised the movers and had a great time watching them unload our things. They were most happy to see their sandbox (we had three 50 lb bags of sand, but no place to put it before today) and bikes.

3 & 5 (well, almost)

Both boys had check-ups today. They insisted on wearing their capes, a decision I supported 100%.

2014-07-22 09.49.56

2014-07-22 09.27.52

2014-07-22 09.03.39

Neither of them needed any vaccines this visit, but they did both have to have blood work done. Adam was especially brave. He cried a little, but sat nice and still. He told me that he wished that his doctor trip was a dream, because he didn’t like the part that hurt. He did like the vision and hearing tests though.

2014-07-22 10.37.33Here are their stats for those that are curious:

Weight Height
Adam 40.5 lbs 42.5 in
Luke 34 lbs 38 in

Luke is catching up!

Walking the Dog

These aren’t the best quality pictures, but it’s too cute not to share. Maggie just spent the last fifteen minutes walking her dog. She kept going in circles around the downstairs lap (our kitchen/dining room/living room/hallway make a big loop).

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Run & Play

Last night, in an effort to tire the kids out, we visited a playground near our house.

2014-07-19 18.42.30 2014-07-19 18.42.32

Here Mama, I pulled this barrette out of my hair just for you!

2014-07-19 18.58.11

2014-07-19 19.10.25 2014-07-19 19.13.22

Seriously, when did Luke get so old?!

2014-07-19 19.21.54They had a lot of fun and we’ll definitely be visiting there again.

Hello, hello, is this thing still on?

It’s been a rough summer as far as the website is concerned. I apologize, but we have a pretty good reason. As most of you probably know, we moved. I’m going to work on getting back in to a routine of updating three times a week (at least), but it might take a bit to find my rhythm again.

2014-07-08 09.52.09

The kids all buckled up and ready for the drive to our new house!

2014-07-08 13.03.05

Waiting out the rain during our lunch stop at Cracker Barrel.

2014-07-10 17.41.15 2014-07-10 18.26.55

Our new “balcony” as Adam calls it. Luke thinks it’s a pirate ship and yells, “Ahoy Captain!” to anyone on it when he is in the yard below. 2014-07-11 10.21.22 2014-07-11 10.26.40


2014-07-11 18.47.44

Testing out a new playground.

2014-07-12 10.37.54

First Lowe’s workshop in our new town. Luke was so excited to get his own apron.

2014-07-14 10.53.29

First time in shoes!

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Still working on getting our new playroom organized.

2014-07-15 19.05.34

The school shopping has begun! Adam picked out a new backpack and lunch box (Ninja Turtles) for kindergarten.

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Checking out her new sneakers – she’s a big fan.

2014-07-16 11.34.38 2014-07-16 12.35.13

Soooo tired (I know how you feel baby girl, I know how you feel).

There’s a quick update – thanks for checking in with us!