Our Weekend

Adam had a basketball game on Saturday.

2016-02-20 10.34.46 2016-02-20 10.34.48 He played really well and made a few baskets too.

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After the game, we went to a Lego event at Toys R Us.

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And then out to lunch.

2016-02-20 12.57.39 When we got home, Dave cleaned out the van while the kids played outside.

2016-02-20 14.12.17 2016-02-20 14.12.43 2016-02-20 14.49.24 2016-02-20 15.25.04 And on Sunday, Adam and I finally sewed up his tooth fairy pillow.  Still no loose teeth, but he’s hoping soon.

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Game Night 2/19

I got a new game for last night. The boys were pretty excited about it.

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Adam won and decided to crown himself the “Wash my underpants!” king (the underpants used were clean, by the way).

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And then Luke got in on it.

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And Maggie too.

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They were all pretty proud of themselves.

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We had ice cream sundaes before switching to “Uno”.

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I’d chalk it up as another successful game night.

Pearly Whites

The kids all had dentist appointments this morning. Adam and Luke decided to dress alike (a decision I will probably always support). Adam said the hat was a good choice because when the dentist shined a light on his face to look at his teeth, he just pulled his hat down to cover his eyes.

We learned that he is in the process of getting his 6 year molars. Two of them are in completely, one is about halfway through, and the fourth is just starting to come in. We had no idea, since he hadn’t complained about pain. I’m glad they haven’t been bothering him.

Adam also asked them to check for loose teeth. He is really looking forward to a visit from the Tooth Fairy. Unfortunately, there aren’t any wiggly ones yet. I did promise him that we’ll sew his tooth pillow soon though and maybe that will hurry things along.

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Luke refused to let them clean his teeth. He was very “vocal” with his displeasure about that idea. He did let them look in his mouth and check everything out, but that was it.

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Maggie let them examine her teeth with no problem. She sat on my lap during the cleaning and while she wasn’t happy about it, she allowed it – so that’s a plus.

An even bigger plus is that there were no cavities!

1st Grade Valentine

Adam’s class has their Valentine’s Day party today.

He made some super fun valentines to give to his friends. We found monster and alien coloring pages online and then printed them out with the “I only have eyes for you” word bubble.

Adam colored every one of them and wrote the names on them. Then I attached glue dots to the googly eye rings and he stuck them to the cards.

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He also had to make a Valentine Mailbox to hold the cards he receives today. Adam wanted to make one that looked like a Lego head, so we took an old pretzel container and covered it in yellow duct tape. Then Adam picked out the face that he wanted to use and I cut it out of vinyl and stuck it on (that part was a little too finicky for him). He wrote his name on the back and “LEGO” on the cover and it was done!

2016-02-09 10.31.43I think it turned out great and the best part is he’ll be able to reuse it for Lego storage after Valentine’s Day is over.

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I can’t wait to hear how his day goes!


I took some videos of the boys at gymnastics this week.



Maggie is tougher to get video of, since I have to be in the room helping her. I did get a picture of her on one of the balance beams today though.

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All three of them still really love gymnastics and it’s so fun seeing their skills progress.

Ashes, ashes

Adam and I took a post-mass selfie today while we were checking out our ashes.

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His were mostly gone by the time we got home. He didn’t like them and kept rubbing at them. Adam’s been doing a great job learning his prayers. He has known the “Hail Mary” for a while now and has all but the last line or two of the “Our Father” memorized as well. He’s right on track to make his First Communion next year.

100th Day (and some other stuff)

Saturday the kids had a Home Depot Workshop. They built mailboxes.

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It was Maggie’s first one and she was so proud.

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Today, Adam’s class celebrated their 100th day of school. He wore his shirt from last year.

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Each child had to do a 100th Day Project. Adam came up with the idea to write a book with 100 words in it. So that’s just what he did, “Adam’s Book of Exactly 100 Words”.

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And yes, “the end” are numbers 99 and 100, and we included an author/illustrator biography on the back cover.

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Poor Luke is still under the weather. I took him in to see the doctor today and he has an ear infection. I didn’t realize that kids could still get them after they had ear tubes put in, but apparently they can.

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So they sent us home with a whole bag full of non-penicillin goodies to hopefully get him better soon.

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We have been fighting some germs at our house this week.  Adam actually stayed home from school yesterday and today.

This morning, Adam and Luke decorated our mantel. I love, love, love how it turned out!

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The kids seem to be feeling a lot better today, so I’m hoping that they stay that way!

Groundhog Day

Phil didn’t see his shadow this morning. According to the famous groundhog, that means, “There is no shadow to be cast. An early spring is my forecast!”

When we celebrated Christmas with Dave’s family in Pennsylvania, we visited Punxsutawney and learned more about Phil.

They had these painted groundhog statues all over the town. This one was outside of the Weather Center.

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The kids had a blast in the Weather Center.

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Afterwards we went to see Phil’s Burrow.


Unfortunately, Phil was sleeping – probably resting up for today.
