Love this.

A couple of days ago a friend of mine commented on a different photo of Dave and Adam saying, “Somebody looks like he’s really enjoying being a daddy! (And somebody looks like he really enjoys being with daddy.)”.

She was 100% right – on both counts.

These photos are from earlier tonight after we took Adam to the playground near our house so he could spend some time on the swings – more pictures of that to come (hopefully tomorrow).

A little too quiet…

Normally I try to get my shower in when Adam’s taking his morning nap.  However, yesterday it was more important that I nap when he did (for both our sakes) and so the poor kid was stuck in the bathroom while I showered.  Usually he’s okay for a couple of minutes and then starts to cry.  This time though there were no tears.  I was thrilled that I was able to relax in the shower – without listening to the melodic sounds of Adam yelling.

And then I saw what had kept him so captivated….

Let me tell you, using re-rolled TP for the next week in exchange for a nice, quiet shower – totally worth it.

And some pictures from this past weekend

I think we might need a bigger wagon….

Here Adam’s trying to figure out why he can’t make the wagon go when he’s holding the handle.

I did have him get out of the wagon and put the bear in it in an attempt to show him how it worked.  I even let him try to pull the wagon.  It didn’t work.  He just picked up the bear and threw it, then tried to climb back in himself.

Here’s one last one of my happy boys in their (sort of) matching polo shirts.  As a disclaimer I would like to point out that I only dressed one of them.  Once Dave saw what Adam was wearing he decided he needed to wear his bright orange shirt too.  They did look pretty cute.

Sorry about the the little dude’s blurry hands.  He was moving around too much for my poor cell phone to keep up.  The sad thing is I did have my camera in my purse (where it always is), yet still used the much lesser quality phone.  Actually all of these pictures were from my phone – I think I need to make myself use the actual camera more often.

Some pictures from today

Because Dave worked  a night shift last night he was able to stay home with Adam and I today.  We really need to figure out a way for him to do that every day, and still do things like pay the mortgage and buy groceries.

This might be my new favorite picture of my boys.  I told Adam to give Daddy a kiss and he was more than happy oblige, with a big sloppy one.

Here’s another one of the two of them.  The little dude certainly loves his daddy.

Since Dave was home today I was able to get a little crafting done while he entertained Adam.  I took a plain white onesie and turned it into this:

Because you know he doesn’t have enough dinosaur apparel.

9 Firsts

Last week while we were in New York looking for a new house Adam got to do a bunch of new things.  I’ve complied a list (and pictures) of 9 of them.  I am sure I could come up with 10 (and probably more than 10) if I really put my mind to it, but I don’t want to and you can’t make me.

1. He saw (and tried to eat) dandelions for the first time.  He learned pretty quickly that one good yank would pull them right up.  Unfortunately he left the roots, which means they’ll just come back.  We’ll work on his weeding techniques as he gets older.

2. During lunch one day Dave gave him a lemon.  He made the funniest face when he tasted it – and then put it right back in his mouth again.  This continued until he sat on the lemon.

3. We had some time to kill one day before meeting with our realtor and Grandpa Kurt suggested we visit the Fish Hatchery.  It was pretty neat and Adam did really like looking at the fish.  I’m sure we’ll be going back once we’re living in that area.  I wonder if we can convince him it’s SeaWorld and save some cash on vacations?  Shamu the Killer Brook Trout…it could work…

4. Adam also got to drive Dave’s truck for the first time.  Okay, he didn’t really do any actual driving.  He couldn’t get his feet to reach the pedals and see out the windshield at the same time.  But this picture is cute, so I’m posting it.

5. The little dude also got to go to the library for the first time – it definitely won’t be the last.  He loved the toys they had and all the new books.  It was really warm out and we’d had a bit of a wardrobe malfunction which is why he’s in just a diaper.

6. We also took him to the race track for the first time.  We didn’t let him bet (he didn’t have any money on him) but he loved watching the horses and looking at all of the people.  He even got one of the jockeys to wave back to him.

7. His first ride on a merry-go-round.  He wasn’t sure what to think about that.  Dave wasn’t able to sit with him (he was told only 1 person per horse right after this picture was taken).

8. After his ride on the carousal  we took the little guy to his first baseball game (not counting Daddy’s softball games).  He absolutely loved it.  The stadium was packed and he had a great time root, root, rooting for the home team.  He did a pretty good job of yelling and clapping at the appropriate times too (basically whenever everyone else did).

9. This one is my favorite.  The picture is from Adam’s (and my) first Mother’s Day.  I am so blessed to be able to celebrate this day as a Mommy.  It’s not something I take lightly, I know how lucky I am.  And to be parenting such an amazing little boy?  It really doesn’t get any better than that.

Home Sweet Home

Just a quick post so that I can keep this year’s resolution. We’ve spent the last week househunting for a home in New York. Our search was successful and we now have a contract in place for a wonderful place. It has four bedrooms, three bathrooms, and an awesome family room for us all to hang out in. It’s just five minutes from where Dave will be working and has a great yard for Adam to run around in (once he figures out the whole walking thing). Now we just need to get our house in VA sold – keep your fingers crossed for us!

And it comes with a lifetime guarantee!

I caught this picture of Adam waving the other day.  I think he was maybe saying hi to the baby in the fireplace (his reflection), either that or to a chair.

Or maybe it wasn’t a “hello” wave at all, maybe it was one of the “bye-bye” variety.  Now that he’s got his own wheels the kid is really going places.  Check out his new Craftsman walker.  It has four-wheel drive, adjustable height, and a lower tray to help transport toys.  I’m thinking that we can rig up a cup holder with a coozi and some duct tape and he’ll be all set.

Oh and please ignore the chaos in the background and say a little prayer for me that our next house will have a playroom.  Thanks.

In a New York state of mind

We’ve been busy around here trying to get things ready to move out of Virginia.  In about two months we’ll be New York residents again (yay!).  Adam has been doing his best to “help”.  I never realized how difficult it is just to get things done with a baby around.  He has been getting in to everything lately – and this is just with him crawling – I don’t even want to think about him walking…

Oh, and this is Adam’s preferred way to ride in a shopping cart.  He loves being able to see where we’re going and facing forward makes it a lot easier to see other people too.  He’s been so chatty lately and wants to talk to everyone.  He really is just about the best thing ever.

Mama’s Boy?

Adam was nice enough to share his cold with me (I’m guessing those big slobbery kisses I love so much are excellent germ transporters).  I was pretty miserable all weekend.  My throat was sore, my nose was stuffed, I was exhausted, and just did not feel well.  Thankfully Dave came to the rescue.

He took Adam with him to run errands Saturday morning.  They went to the bank and the little guy yelled at everyone that came in (and again when they left) .  According to Dave they weren’t mean yells – just “Hey, look at me, I’m cute right? Okay thanks! Have a nice day” yells.  After their outing the boys came home and took a nap.

Yesterday they spent their day watching baseball and dinosaur cartoons, playing with trucks and Adam’s farm, and of course, taking more naps.

Thankfully since Daddy was on duty, I was able to get a lot of rest myself and am feeling a lot better today.  I’m pretty much the luckiest lady ever – I mean look at my guys.  I don’t think they could get any cuter.

Oh, and speaking of cute – Adam waved “bye-bye” to us for the first time today.  It was that adorable little backwards wave that babies do too – talk about an overload of adorable!!

Oh boy…only 8 months old and he finds flatulence funny.

How’s that for a title?  Before I forget, I want to get a couple of Adam Milestones documented.

Last Week: He started giving me zerberts (definition: The sound that occurs where someone places the mouth against skin and blows).  He thinks they are hilarious.  He did not find them as amusing when he was still in my belly and Dave used to give them to him/me.

Tuesday: I caught him “dancing” to music for the first time.  He likes to use his farm toy to stand (when you open the door it plays “Old MacDonald”) and shake his little hips to the e-i-e-i-o.

Tonight: He farted (too much information?) and looked at me and laughed.  He’s such a little boy.