Last week while we were in New York looking for a new house Adam got to do a bunch of new things. I’ve complied a list (and pictures) of 9 of them. I am sure I could come up with 10 (and probably more than 10) if I really put my mind to it, but I don’t want to and you can’t make me.
1. He saw (and tried to eat) dandelions for the first time. He learned pretty quickly that one good yank would pull them right up. Unfortunately he left the roots, which means they’ll just come back. We’ll work on his weeding techniques as he gets older.

2. During lunch one day Dave gave him a lemon. He made the funniest face when he tasted it – and then put it right back in his mouth again. This continued until he sat on the lemon.

3. We had some time to kill one day before meeting with our realtor and Grandpa Kurt suggested we visit the Fish Hatchery. It was pretty neat and Adam did really like looking at the fish. I’m sure we’ll be going back once we’re living in that area. I wonder if we can convince him it’s SeaWorld and save some cash on vacations? Shamu the Killer Brook Trout…it could work…

4. Adam also got to drive Dave’s truck for the first time. Okay, he didn’t really do any actual driving. He couldn’t get his feet to reach the pedals and see out the windshield at the same time. But this picture is cute, so I’m posting it.

5. The little dude also got to go to the library for the first time – it definitely won’t be the last. He loved the toys they had and all the new books. It was really warm out and we’d had a bit of a wardrobe malfunction which is why he’s in just a diaper.

6. We also took him to the race track for the first time. We didn’t let him bet (he didn’t have any money on him) but he loved watching the horses and looking at all of the people. He even got one of the jockeys to wave back to him.

7. His first ride on a merry-go-round. He wasn’t sure what to think about that. Dave wasn’t able to sit with him (he was told only 1 person per horse right after this picture was taken).

8. After his ride on the carousal we took the little guy to his first baseball game (not counting Daddy’s softball games). He absolutely loved it. The stadium was packed and he had a great time root, root, rooting for the home team. He did a pretty good job of yelling and clapping at the appropriate times too (basically whenever everyone else did).

9. This one is my favorite. The picture is from Adam’s (and my) first Mother’s Day. I am so blessed to be able to celebrate this day as a Mommy. It’s not something I take lightly, I know how lucky I am. And to be parenting such an amazing little boy? It really doesn’t get any better than that.