Do you know what today is? Today is the first of July.
Do you know what happens in July? My baby turns one.
How exactly did this happen? It must be the result of some crazy time speeder upper machine. That’s the only logical answer. The months have gone by too quickly for it to be any other reason.

My soon to be one-year-old has 5 teeth (with two more ready to break through on the top any day now).
He’s dangerously close to walking. If he’s not thinking about it he’ll take a step or two, but it’s like when the coyote runs off of the cliff in the roadrunner cartoons – the minute he realizes he’s not holding on to anything he sits down.
He loves sports balls and has at least 20 small base/foot/basket/soccer balls. He thinks it is especially fun to play catch with other people.
He has mastered the High-5, will throw his arms in the air to give the “touchdown” signal, and loves to dance. I still need to get some video of his patented dance move “The Washing Machine”.
He makes a vroom vroom type noise when he sees Uncle Steven’s motorcycle in the garage.
He doesn’t quite understand how to drink out of sippy cups yet, but is a pro when it comes to using a straw.
He is an excellent golf cart driver – aside from the whole not being able to reach the pedals thing.

He eats everything – some recent favorites: mashed potatoes, tortellini (but not spaghetti), cooked carrots, rice, macaroni and cheese, and popcorn chicken.
He loves to sit on the porch and observe the neighborhood. He is a big fan of school buses (much less frequent now that summer has arrived), dogs being walked, people mowing their lawns, kids on bicycles, and other babies in strollers. He really, really likes it when the local high school’s marching band practices outside (we can’t see them, but we can hear them and dance along).
He charms everyone that meets him. Everyone. The comment I hear most often: “He’s such a happy baby”. And it’s true, he smiles at everyone and loves it when they smile back. He is incredibly easy going and loves being around other people.
He is awesome.