We’re in the midst of unpacking. By my calculations we should have everything out of boxes and put away two months before it’s time to move again. That’s just a guess though.
The unpacking is not going well. Let me explain. No, there is too much. Let me sum up. Basically the crew that packed up our things in Virgina was Horrible (with a capital “h”, but you’re reading this, so you already knew that).
Here are some of the highlights:
– A box labeled “Kitchen”, it contents included an afghan, some shoes, and darts.
– Food items packed in the same box as household cleaner and two garbage cans (needless to say we threw a lot out).
– Adam’s baby seat was packed inside of our large outdoor trash can (thankfully it’s made of a material I’ll be able to easily disinfect, but still, it’s a baby item – in a trash can?!?).
– They packed 50 lbs worth of weights in the bottom of a box and then added books on top of it – brilliant. The poor guy that had to carry it off of the truck just about fell over.
– A box labeled “stuffed animals” contained the contents of Dave’s desk.
Most of the boxes were used in at least one other move (sometimes two or three) so the boxes have other family’s names on them and content descriptions – not at all helpful to me. We couldn’t even have them put the boxes in the right room when they were unloading. It’s making unpacking very difficult since we have no idea what to expect inside each box.
That doesn’t even touch on the things we’ve found that are broken due to poor packing. It’s been a pretty upsetting and stressful time for me. I am fully aware that they are just “things” and not at all important in the grand scheme of things. But, they’re our things and to see items we care about ruined for no other reason that the negligence of “professional” movers is really disheartening.

That box says, “Nice L/R (living room) Shade, Do Not Crush”. I don’t even want to think about what the box would look like if it didn’t have that warning on it.