I had Adam stay in the childcare center at the YMCA today while I worked out. This is the first time he’s ever been alone without a relative looking after him. I think it bothered me more than it did him. I spent the whole time (25 minutes on the elliptical and 20 on the treadmill for those of you curious (Stacy)) waiting for someone to come get me and tell me he was having a meltdown, fell headfirst into a table, or needed a diaper change. And you know what? That didn’t happen. When I went down to pick him up almost an hour after abandoning him dropping him off he was happily playing with a 16 month old girl. The woman watching him said he cried once (when another mom came to pick up her two kids), but other than that handled it like a champ. I think it will be good for him to have the interaction with other children and also to get used to being around non-family adults.
During the times I wasn’t staring at the door waiting for someone to come tell me I needed to rescue my child I watched the “Today Show” and followed along by reading the closed captioning. At the end of the show the words, “Tomorrow is Booze Day” appeared on the screen. I’m going to go out on a limb and guess that whoever was transcribing the commentary should have typed “Tomorrow is Tuesday”, but just in case it wasn’t an error I guess I should wish everyone a Happy Booze Day Eve.
Dave and I were able to link up our computers so that we can see the files on each other’s laptops. This allows me access to all of his music. Armed with this newfound arsenal of songs Adam and I had a dance party in the living room this afternoon. Hardwood floors are fun to dance on and he lets me lead. He laughs like crazy when I spin him around in circles. It is adorable and makes me really dizzy.
For the most part Dave and I have very different taste in music. My goal is to brainwash the little dude early so that we can overpower Dave and gain control over the radio during long car rides.
Right now Adam is taking a nap in his crib. This is a big deal because Adam has a very firm anti-crib stance when it comes to sleeping. But he missed his morning nap and despite the fact that he was very, very tired would not go to sleep for me (I tried rocking, singing, book reading, and a bottle). So finally I put him in his crib, turned on some music, and shut the door. He was not at all pleased with me (and was very vocal about this perceived injustice). However, he is now sleeping and while it wasn’t pretty, I’ll take the win on this one.
I’m going to attempt and change my Knitting School Dropout status by taking (and hopefully completing this time) a Knitting for Beginners class. It starts tonight at 6. Wish me luck. The last class left me with half of a mitten, maybe this time around I’ll actually complete a project.
Since Adam is sleeping so peacefully I think I’m going to go take a nap myself. For some reason I couldn’t sleep last night and so I was wide awake at 4 AM. Maybe it was first day of school jitters? But don’t worry, I’m not going to end this without an Adam picture (or two). If you’ve read through all of this you deserve it.

You can file those under “C” for cute. And no, we didn’t put him in the filing cabinet – that was all him.