Insert Clever Title Here

Adam and I took a quick trip to the YMCA this morning. He had a mini-tantrum while I was trying to get out of the house this morning and so we ended up leaving a little later than I wanted to.  It wouldn’t have been a problem normally, but due to a meeting at work Dave was coming home for lunch about half an hour early and I needed to run to the grocery store too. So I did 28 minutes on the elliptical machine and then hurried downstairs to the childcare center to pick up Short John Silver.

I watched him through the window for a little bit before I went in to the room. He was carrying a toy and walking back and forth between two different groups of kids. When I did open in the door he walked a couple of steps toward me and then turned around and went back to his rounds. I could tell he had be crying, but Miss Sharon said it was just for a little bit, and then he was fine. This makes me so happy.

I think we’re going to meet up with the local MOMS Club on Friday (it is supposed to be in the 80s here!) for a play date in the park. I think the extra socialization will be good for the little man. I’m sure he gets bored with just me to talk to during the day.

These pictures are from last night. Adam was not impressed with those jammies. He kept trying to pull the feet off like he does with his socks and was really angry that it didn’t work.

Smarty Pants

Looks pretty sweet doesn’t he? What you can’t see in this picture is how miserable and clingy he was yesterday. I would say that he reached demon baby status – however it appears that level was hit today.  In addition to yesterday’s bad attitude he also gave me three disgusting diapers, threw up on me, and didn’t take a nap until 3 o’clock. So far it’s been a pretty rough mommy week.

But when you take in to consideration that the little man cut his 8th tooth yesterday, it’s all understandable. And when he did finally take his nap today he slept for three and a half hours (and woke up on the right side of the couch – which was a very welcome change).

I should also mention that in addition to the new tooth Adam picked up two skills this week. The first: he figured out there is water in the toilet and when you throw things in it splashes. He also learned how to take off his own diaper. You can imagine how thrilled I am with these discoveries.

Like a Polaroid Picture (Shake It)

The following pictures are all from today. How’s that for instant gratification?

Check out how big I am! I’m so much taller than this bear here.

Hmmm….wait a minute, this is my chair. I don’t want to share it with the bear.

Get lost Mister Bear!

The adorable outfit above didn’t last through the day unfortunately. He is currently rocking an ensemble that only he could get away with: shoes, diaper, and a pajama shirt with monsters on it. He’s pretty proud of his giraffe shoes and brought them to me right after his bath so he could wear them (and has had them on all day). Crazy kid.

Should be worth about 6,000 words

I woke up with a migraine today and it hasn’t gone away completely away yet. My head does feel a little better than it did this morning. It helps that I’ve just been resting all day while Adam sits quietly and entertains himself with picture books and educational toys.


Actually Adam’s been busy all day having me put his socks on him (so he can take them off), beating up Dave’s old cell phone with a spatula, feeding me cheerios, handing me legos to put together (so he can take them apart), and playing with his maracas (which have mysteriously disappeared – at least until my head feels better).

We didn’t make it to the Y during the childcare hours this morning (I might try to go tonight if I’m feeling better), in fact only one of us has gotten out of their pajamas today (I’ll let you guess who that is). We did go to the Y yesterday though and Adam did okay. Miss Sharon said he whined and cried on and off, but didn’t get  hysterical like on Tuesday when they had to come and get me. When I came to pick him up yesterday he was the only child in the room and was surrounded by a two foot radius of toys and had two adults doting on him – you can see why that would be like torture to him.

Anyway, I have six cute Adam photos sitting on my desktop waiting to be inserted in to picture-less posts and I’m just going to add them all in here. Then I’m going to take some more 10,000 mg Ibuprofen and hopefully convince Adam to take his nap (he seems to be moving toward just a long afternoon nap, rather than one in the morning and one after lunch).

It’s a good thing Christmas is coming (99 shopping days left), because this is one child that is seriously hurting for toys.

Shake it!

Here he’s starting to climb into his cart. Dave is not a fan of Adam’s green pants. He says they look like something a little old lady would wear to bingo.

He was mid-throw during this picture.

And that’s pretty much what Adam looks like right now. I think I am going to join him.

Rant from a non-teen mom

I am watching “Teen Mom” (it’s a show on MTV about Teen Moms, clever title, I know – and don’t judge, earlier I was watching a singing orange cyclops cucumber thing with Adam – I’m allowed to rot my brain with this stuff while he’s napping).

On the show this teen dad was lamenting about the fact that he has to pay child support and made the comment that if he has to keep paying child support until his son is 18 that will end up being like $80,000.  He was appalled (as were his childless friends), because $80,000 is a lot of money when you’re just out of high school and unemployed (heck, it’s a lot of money period – I’m not trying to downplay that at all). But let’s break that $80,000 down a little shall we?

That’s the equivalent of roughly:

$4,444 per year


$370 per month


$85 per week

And based on what I know about caring for my son (who appears to be about the same age as the child he is supporting), I’ve estimated some weekly costs.

Diapers: $20

Wipes: $3

Formula: $12

Baby Food: $15

Right there that’s $50, just for the basics. It doesn’t touch on doctor’s appointments, medicine, clothes, or toys. And let’s not forget about childcare (this particular teen mom is working 30 hours a week and going to college). Boy this kid and his $85 a week really has it rough.

There are websites out there that will calculate the estimated costs to raise a child. I filled it out with our info and Adam in mind and this is what I learned:

Depressing isn’t it? Here’s how they broke it down (you’ll notice I did not include college or anything over the age of 18 because the little dude is going to get a scholarship (academic or athletic – I’m not picky) and win the lottery):

I’m thinking that teen dad needs a J-O-B.

Young man, there’s no need to feel down.

Today’s trip to the YMCA did not go nearly as well as yesterday’s. I had been on the elliptical machine for all of 10 minutes when the nice girl (Miss Amanda) that was working in the children’s room came to get me. She said Adam had been crying since I left and she wasn’t able to calm him down (and neither was her supervisor or the well meaning mom of three that ended up with a shoulder covered in baby snot for her efforts).

So I went down and the poor kid was a wreck. I hung out with him in the children’s room for about half an hour. We played with the toys and I even got him to interact with Miss Amanda a little, but any time I would stand up or the door would open (even if I was sitting right next to him) he would start crying again. So we’ll try again tomorrow. The lady working tomorrow is the same one that was there yesterday, so maybe that will help.

Yes, I know the picture has absolutely nothing to do with this post. I don’t have a picture of him screaming a the Y though, so this is what you get – Adam showing off how he can climb in to his shopping cart (he was dancing and I took the photo with my phone, which is why his arms are blurry).

Sock it to me!

I was just browsing the Old Navy website looking for an outfit for Adam to wear to Dave’s promotion. I found an adorable one and then, went to see if I could get him some new socks while I was in an online shopping mood.

Does anyone else see the problem with their pricing? Why exactly would anyone get an 8-pack for $10 when they could get 8 pairs at $1 a piece (for a total of $8 – I’m pretty good at math – don’t be jealous). I think Old Navy should hire me to help them with pricing. I can work from home and tell them things like their 3 Shirts for $18 deal isn’t that great when the same shirts are listed for $5 a piece. Although, maybe Old Navy likes it that way. I’m sure there are people out there that think, “WOW! An 8 pack of socks on sale, I need to buy them NOW!”.

Maybe I am just bitter because the socks I wanted for Adam (orange and brown striped) are out of stock *sigh*.