Last night when I was making dinner I couldn’t find the colander I wanted to use (we have two, one is collapsible and more fun than the other). Anyway, fast forward to bedtime where I found the missing colander (in all its collapsible glory) in my bed underneath the blankets. 2 points if you can guess the name of the little gremlin responsible.
Earlier I heard all sorts of roars coming from the play area in our family room. When I peeked in on Adam I found him holding his tyrannosaurus flashlight in one hand and a toy dino in the other. He was making them roar at each other. It was pretty flipping cute and I really hope his love of dinosaurs continues as he gets older.
Speaking of roars, I have some pictures to share from Halloween. The little dude was a lion and in case you were wondering, lions make the exact same sound as dinosaurs.

We only actually went trick or treating to two houses – one of which was my parents’ house, so I’m not sure that counts. We spent the rest of the night on the porch handing out candy. It was pretty chilly out, so Adam took frequent breaks to go inside and warm up. He loved putting the candy in the kids’ buckets and bags. Then he realized that you could eat the things inside the little bags (m&m’s) and it was game over.

Oh, and pigs sound just like dinosaurs and lions too. See, you learned something new today.