Fort Adamwix

This is far from the best picture (Adam’s pretty blurry), but you can see the cool fort I built Adam last night.

And apparently, the fact that mommy made it does not alter its “No Girls Allowed” status.  Any time I came near the door he’d shut it on me – and laugh.

Adam’s Colors

I recently ordered a color book for Adam.  I’ve made several of these for other kids and it was finally time for Adam to get one too.  I found a company that does custom board book printing and am so pleased with the results.

Dave previewed all of the files before I ordered the book.  This was his favorite page:

Adam likes it too – he’s a big fan of any page with Daddy on it.  He also really likes the kitty on the gray page and the ducks on the yellow page (quack quack).

You’ve got the cutest little baby face…

Friday I had an ultrasound and was able to see our new little one for the first time.  Yes, Adam’s going to be a big brother – it’s pretty exciting stuff.

So there’s our creepy looking skeletor baby.  I’m not too worried, Adam looked like a little alien at this age and he turned out cute.  And that really is an adorable creepy looking baby – so don’t yell at me for picking on your grandchild Mom.  Anyway, I’m about 12 weeks long now, and if things continue to go well we’ll be a family of four the end of May – woo hoo!!

15 Month Checkup

Adam had a doctor’s appointment yesterday.  It was our first time seeing this pediatrician and I’m going to request him from now on.  Not once did he tell me he was too little.  He’s still in the 10-15th percentile range for height and weight, his head however is in the 90th percentile.  When he told me that I told Adam it was okay because mama has a big head too and it’s just because of our big brains.  The doc told me that I don’t have to make any excuses for Adam’s size and he’s just fine.  His parting words were that we have a very nice baby.

I agree.

Here’s my very nice baby destroying the paper on the table in the examining room.  This was before he got two shots.  After the shots he was in a much less cheerful mood.

And for those that are wondering, he weighed in at 21 pounds 8 ounces and is 29 inches long.

I still maintain he’s Adam-sized, and that’s just perfect.

Our Little Leo

Last night when I was making dinner I couldn’t find the colander I wanted to use (we have two, one is collapsible and more fun than the other). Anyway, fast forward to bedtime where I found the missing colander (in all its collapsible glory)  in my bed underneath the blankets. 2 points if you can guess the name of the little gremlin responsible.

Earlier I heard all sorts of roars coming from the play area in our family room.  When I peeked in on Adam I found him holding his tyrannosaurus flashlight in one hand and a toy dino in the other.  He was making them roar at each other.  It was pretty flipping cute and I really hope his love of dinosaurs continues as he gets older.

Speaking of roars, I have some pictures to share from Halloween.  The little dude was a lion and in case you were wondering, lions make the exact same sound as dinosaurs.

We only actually went trick or treating to two houses – one of which was my parents’ house, so I’m not sure that counts.  We spent the rest of the night on the porch handing out candy. It was pretty chilly out, so Adam took frequent breaks to go inside and warm up. He loved putting the candy in the kids’ buckets and bags. Then he realized that you could eat the things inside the little bags (m&m’s) and it was game over.

Oh, and pigs sound just like dinosaurs and lions too. See, you learned something new today.

A 1st We Could Have Done Without

About two weeks ago we had our first trip to the ER with Adam.  He had a fever, a bright red rash that started on his face and spread down his arm, and couldn’t keep anything down – which included the Tylenol we were giving him.  Thankfully the doctor and nurse were able to get the fever under control and get some medicine in to him (he was still throwing up, so I’ll let you use your imagination as to just where that medicine went).  We were only there for an hour or two.  Once they got the medicine in to Adam (they also gave him something to help with nausea) and he was able to keep some formula down they let us go home.

Anyway, I took a bunch of pictures with my phone.  I was bored and I do plan on doing a scrapbook page about this – even though it’s not in the “fond memories” category.  I don’t have any pictures of when the nurse tried to give Adam some Tylenol and Motrin orally and he threw up all over Dave.  I was too busy being thankful that for once it was on Dave and not me.

Cool Dude

Lately Adam has been obsessed with sunglasses.  He has a little pair that I bought him over the summer.  And he will have me put them on him over and over again.  Once he’s wearing them, Aunt Stacy and I have been saying “cool dude” to him and giving him a thumbs up.

Adam tries to return the gesture, but doesn’t quiet have it right.

Thumbs up or not, the kid’s got style.