Actually They Do Melt in Your Hands

I’d like to thank my father-in-law for suggesting we use scrubbable paint on our walls.  Especially since earlier today I found smears of chocolate, about Adam-high, down my very light tan hallway.  Apparently the two m&m’s I gave him to keep him entertained while I made him lunch were good for more than just eating.

On the Ducky Front

I had an ultrasound earlier this week. My mom took the day off of work so she could be in charge of Adam wrangling during it. We’re almost to the halfway point for this pregnancy, which is nuts to me. It feels like it’s going by so fast.

Everything looked good though and Ducky is growing right on track. I’m starting to feel the baby move more and more too (which is really cool). It’s a little tough to tell from this pictures, but I’m convinced this baby will give Adam a run for his money on the cuteness scale (and we all know how adorable Adam is).

1/52 of the Way There

Tis the season for resolutions, so let’s see if I can commit to updating this site at least once a week all of 2011. In order to meet that goal for this week, I’m going to talk about oatmeal – exciting no?

Adam likes oatmeal. He really does. However, the only way to get him to eat it is to pin his arms down and force feed him the first two bites. Once I can get him to eat a couple of spoonfuls it’s like a switch is flipped and he remembers, oh yeah, this is good stuff. But man, getting him to that point is a workout.

He also really likes to feed himself, but has trouble getting the food on the spoon (or fork). So normally I will prep the utensil for him and he’ll take it from there. The other morning though, he decided he’d handle it himself.

Mommy still got to help with the clean up.


Is this thing on?

Because my sister is sick of looking at that soup can every time she checks this site, I think it’s time for an update (actually it’s probably long overdue).

I don’t have any specific things to report – mainly a couple of cute Adam stories – things I don’t want to forget.

The other morning when Adam woke up I made him some oatmeal and he had a fit (which was odd because he really likes oatmeal – at least the maple and brown sugar variety – we haven’t tried other flavors).  He brought me an empty bottle from the cupboard so I gave him a sippy cup full of milk (which resulted in another small tantrum – cups are NOT bottles).  Once he calmed down he ran down the hall to my bedroom, climbed on the bed and laid down.  The little prince has apparently decided that his morning routine must involve drinking milk and watching Curious George in my bed.  Once George was over he got down, went back in to the kitchen and ate cold oatmeal.  Silly kid.

I love seeing Adam put words together to understand new things.  The other day I told him to eat his toes and he looked at his toes, then and me and was like, okay mama, I know what eat means, are you for real?  Then he put his foot in his mouth (I only teach him the most important life skills).

While Adam and I were Christmas shopping he started flipping out – trying to get out of the cart and saying “daddy” over and over. He had seen someone in uniform and automatically thought it was Dave. At least I’m hoping it was just the clothing that triggered the response – since the uniformed individual was definitely female (a tad manly, but still a woman).

Away in a Manger

Lately Adam has been playing with his nativity set a lot. This make me very happy because I was really excited about getting this toy for him. I ordered it for him earlier this month and when it was delivered opened it right away. It didn’t take me long to realize that the pieces weren’t exactly like the picture on the box.

You see, our set has two Josephs. It makes for a crowded manger and we are missing a cow. We already had a cow though (my parents got Adam a bunch of animals for his birthday), so it’s not a big deal. I just feel bad for whoever got the set with double cows and no Joseph – poor single mama Mary.

Also, the little dude has decided that one of the wise men should take the place of the angel. It’s normally the one in red, but sometimes one of the other two will step in. Earlier today I asked him to bring me the baby and after studying the figures for a while he did. It was really sweet, he held the little baby Jesus to his chest and rocked him when I gave it back to him.

Shortly after that he walked over to the stairs and tossed the baby Jesus down them. Good thing Jesus loves the little children, hopefully he won’t hold that against Adam.

In no particular order…

I am thankful that I am able to stay home and spend each day with Adam.  I never imagined myself a stay-at-home-mom and it is more difficult than I thought it would be – however it is also more rewarding.

I am thankful for a husband that sees me as his equal, values my opinions, loves me, and makes me laugh.

I am thankful for my new (pink) electronic book reader.

I am thankful for our amazing son.  Being his mother is the greatest gift I have ever received.

I am thankful for my current pregnancy (despite the morning sickness) and the growing baby that will be born in 6 months.

I am thankful for parents that taught me to respect others, value a dollar, be responsible for my actions, and to lead and not always follow.

I am thankful for pumpkin pie.

I am thankful for a home that is safe, warm, and not three stories tall.

I am thankful for Steven and Stacy.  I’ve said many times  that I could not have handpicked a better brother and sister and I mean that with my whole heart.  I am so fortunate to have grown up with the two of them and hope Adam is someday lucky enough to share a similar bond with his siblings.

I am thankful for short deployments.

I am thankful for the internet.

I am thankful that Adam’s anti-crib stance has changed and that he now has a semi-regular (plus or minus half an hour) bedtime.  It’s better for both of us.

I am thankful I went to Clarkson – even though finding a husband was not my goal.

I am thankful for an attached garage – and will be even more thankful once the snow starts falling.

I am thankful for Adam’s big, slobbery, open-mouthed kisses.

I am thankful for GPS.

I am thankful for really crispy bacon.

I am thankful that Dave and I have such similar values and priorities.

I am thankful for my education and the security it gives me to know that if needed, I could provide for myself and my family.

I am thankful that digital cameras make it easy (and affordable) for me to take and share a lot of pictures.

I am thankful, so very thankful, for the life and family that Dave and I have created together.

I am thankful for Kraft Macaroni and Cheese (but only the spiral kind or the ones that are shaped like cartoon characters).

I am thankful for a childhood that involved a lot of books, trips to the library, and a love of reading that exists today.

I am thankful for spellcheck.

I am thankful for Adam’s curls, his little baby snores, and his big belly laughs.

I am thankful for hot water (sorry to rub it in Dave).

I am thankful that this list is just a small sampling of all of the many blessings I have to be thankful for.