Last weekend while shopping with my mom, I saw Curious George fabric on clearance ($3.50/yd). Adam loves George and was in need of a new pillow. He’s been sleeping on a baseball pillow – but it’s white and not the friendliest thing to wash. So I bought a yard of fabric and a pillow form and made him a removable (and easily washable) pillow case for it.
I still had about 1/2 a yard left, so I decided on a whim that he needed a quilt to go with it. I’ve always felt bad that I never sewed the quilt I planned on making him before he was born. Once he got here though, all of the “gender-neutral” fabric I had picked out seemed too girly (and I was a little busy).
I spent a little bit of time online looking up quilt patterns and figuring out how much fabric I would need. I raided my mom’s stash of fabric leftover from other projects and was able to find everything I needed. On Monday, I started cutting at about 2 in the afternoon and worked on it on and off until 9:30. I spent about an hour on it the next day, finishing up a few final touches and that was it.
So here it is, Adam’s $1.75 George Quilt.

I am really proud of how it turned out – especially since it was a spur of the moment project. Adam really likes it too, which is best part. He loves pointing at all the little pictures of Curious George and saying, “There’s George”, over and over. Here’s picture of it with the much less impressive pillow.

The blanket is about 33 x 43 inches. So it’s the perfect size for him to sit on, cover up with, or drag around Linus-style.