Two Heads are Better than One

This morning Adam brought me Mickey and Winnie-the-Pooh.  After he handed them to me he started to tug on the neckline of his pajamas. I had no idea what he wanted, but eventually figured it out.

He was so pleased when he finally got me to understand. Maybe he was trying to recreate this photo?


  • Adam is 18 months old.
  • I had another ultrasound and got to see my wriggly, super active little baby.
  • Is 121 days before that wriggly, super active little baby’s due date.
  • I had leftover chicken wing soup for lunch (so good).
  • I got heartburn from leftover chicken wing soup (not so good).
  • I mailed another very full care package to my babies’ daddy.
  • Is 94 days from my babies’ daddy coming home.
  • I let Adam stay up an hour past bedtime because he was snuggling so nicely on my lap and I didn’t want to let him go.
  • I decided on a quilt pattern to make for Ducky.
  • I got to listen to my little man giggling hysterically as he played in a fort with his Aunt Stacy.
  • I really could have used a nap, but didn’t get one.
  • I will hopefully be getting to bed at a decent hour.

More George

After making the Curious George pillow and quilt I decided Adam needed a pair of pajamas or a shirt with George on it. I did some looking around couldn’t find anything that I liked that fit my price range. So I decided to make him a George shirt. I bought him a plain yellow long-sleeved tee shirt for $3.50. I also had to pick up some brown, tan, and white fabric. I probably have plain white in my stash, but forgot to check before we went to the store so I got 6 inches of it to be safe. I already had the thread, fusible web (used to iron the fabric to the shirt), and black fabric marker. I found a Curious George coloring page online, printed it out, and was ready to go.

There are a few things I would do differently if I were to make this shirt again. But overall, I am really pleased with how it turned out.

That picture was taken right after I put the shirt on Adam. He is trying to feed George some dry cereal. It’s wet around bottom because before I could get Adam to wear the shirt he was carrying it around and chewing on it.

And here is my model again, right after lunch and naptime. You can see that George is sporting a few new decorations from lunch. I think he likes his new shirt though – and I do too.

When you’re curious, like Curious George

Last weekend while shopping with my mom, I saw Curious George fabric on clearance ($3.50/yd). Adam loves George and was in need of a new pillow.  He’s been sleeping on a baseball pillow – but it’s white and not the friendliest thing to wash. So I bought a yard of fabric and a pillow form and made him a removable (and easily washable) pillow case for it.

I still had about 1/2 a yard left, so I decided on a whim that he needed a quilt to go with it. I’ve always felt bad that I never sewed the quilt I planned on making him before he was born. Once he got here though, all of the “gender-neutral” fabric I had picked out seemed too girly (and I was a little busy).

I spent a little bit of time online looking up quilt patterns and figuring out how much fabric I would need. I raided my mom’s stash of fabric leftover from other projects and was able to find everything I needed. On Monday, I started cutting at about 2 in the afternoon and worked on it on and off until 9:30. I spent about an hour on it the next day, finishing up a few final touches and that was it.

So here it is, Adam’s $1.75 George Quilt.

I am really proud of how it turned out – especially since it was a spur of the moment project. Adam really likes it too, which is best part. He loves pointing at all the little pictures of Curious George and saying, “There’s George”, over and over.  Here’s picture of it with the much less impressive pillow.

The blanket is about 33 x 43 inches. So it’s the perfect size for him to sit on, cover up with, or drag around Linus-style.

Caught with egg on his face

Earlier Adam and I were at the Walmart picking up things for Dave’s next care package. On whim I grabbed a Cadbury Creme Egg and tossed it in the cart. Adam was sitting in the front part of the cart and was being really good – or so I thought.  I couldn’t see what he was doing because all of the items I was purchasing were in the basket part of the cart (you know, where the babies are supposed to sit).  When I peeked in on him this is what I found:

He had removed the whole wrapper and was devouring it.

This is not good. I would prefer him not to know about the deliciousness that is Cadbury Creme…I don’t want to share.

Adam 16 Tooth

As of yesterday, Adam is up to sixteen teeth.  The last of his canines broke through yesterday – thankfully.  This last tooth has been the worst one yet.  He was inconsolable (and very, very vocal about it) Sunday night (technically Monday morning) from 2:30 until after 5 AM.  We were at my parents’ and my dad asked what I normally do when he gets like that (not surprisingly he woke up the whole house).  I honestly didn’t have an answer for him.  I can’t ever remember Adam being like that for that long.  Thankfully we’ve been blessed with a pretty laid back little dude and are normally able to calm him down fairly easily.

But yeah, we should be set with teeth for a little while.  According to my teething chart the next set of molars should show up some time between 23 and 33 months.  Fingers crossed they don’t come earlier – I need the break.

Can you hear me now?

For some reason Adam is obsessed with these ear muffs (is that the correct term for them?).  As soon as we get to my parents’ house he will run to go find them and have someone put them on him.

He is an odd little man.  I’m not sure if I should blame this on my genes or Dave’s…

He’s also incredibly adorable.  I’ll definitely take credit for that.

Whooah, we’re half way there….

Shamelessly stolen from one of the pregnancy websites I visit:

This week you’re carrying about 10.5 inches and 10.5 ounces of solid baby-miracle-goodness! Their little delicate bones continue to ossify and toughen while their itsy bitsy finger and toe pads are finishing up. Your little monkey now has teeth buds, although they’re hidden beneath the gum line. And finally! Their limbs have reached their relative proportions—no more alien baby! Their cute pink lips are more defined, and might be helping out in a bit of prenatal thumb-sucking. What’s more, eyelashes and eyebrows are also visible.

At this point, your little one really looks like a miniature baby—and we do mean miniature as your little swimmer currently weighs a mere eighth of their final birth weight. With half the pregnancy behind you, the most significant gains are yet to come!

This pregnancy seems to be flying by. I’m feeling the baby kicking more frequently and I really thought this week that the ‘morning’ sickness was over. I was wrong. I made it from Sunday to today with no issues, but dinner tonight didn’t go so well. I am optimistic though that it won’t be long before that unpleasant aspect of pregnancy is behind me – probably right about the time the horrible heartburn starts occurring on daily basis (if this baby takes after his (or her) big brother).

One big difference between this child and Adam?  When I was pregnant with Adam I always seemed to crave lemonade to drink, this little one prefers orange juice.  This was particularly unhelpful at 11 pm the other night, when I had a ton of lemonade mix in the pantry but no OJ in the fridge.

Love This Kid

Lately whenever I pick up my camera Adam will automatically say “cheese”.  Today his “cheese” was accompanied by this equally cheesy grin.

He’s developing quite the sense of humor lately too.  Earlier he was pretending to fall down.  He’d say “oh no” or “uh oh” when he did it and then giggle like crazy, stand up, take a couple of steps and repeat.   It’s a very Chevy Chase SNL sense of humor, but I love it and the giggling that goes with it.