Top O’ The Morning To Ya

My little Irish lad and I had a fantastic St. Paddy’s Day. This morning we audited a music class for preschoolers. He wasn’t sure what to think about most of it, but loved it whenever they got the different instruments out and he was able to play along. The next session starts in April and I think we’ll be signing him up.

After music school we went to the grocery store. Adam got a new Blue’s Clues book. He is currently obsessed with Blue’s Clues. As soon as I get him out of his crib in the morning he asks for it. We have episodes on DVD, we have another book, and I made him a shirt with “a kah-loo” on it (he was wearing it during the great powdered sugar incident). I also print out coloring pages of Blue and her friends so that he can color them (coloring is another recent love of his). So when I saw this book at the grocery store I couldn’t pass it up. I let him look at it in the store (it kept him from throwing things out of the cart) and on the way home. Since then the book has mysteriously disappeared – I have a feeling it will be reappearing in somebaby’s Easter basket.

Naptime came after shopping and lunch – both Adam and mama needed naps. After a nice rest though, we were ready to head outside. It was gorgeous here today. After a walk around the neighborhood we came back and played in the driveway for a while. I moved the bottom part of his car so he could “drive” it himself, Flintstone-style. He did a pretty good job of getting the car to move – however he could only get it to go in reverse. He didn’t seem to mind and was very pleased with his new skill.

Removing the floorboard did cause some difficulties though.

Um, mama, do you think you could stop taking pictures and help me please?!

After that malfunction he decided he’d rather pushed the car himself.

He ended up finding a mud puddle to practice his dinosaur stomping in. He had a great time. I let him play for a while – pants, shoes, and babies are all washable. I will definitely be on the lookout for a pair of rain boots for him the next time I go to the store though.


Sweet Thing


I need to print this out and hang it in the kitchen as a reminder to always double check that the pantry door is closed tight.

Hopefully I can convince him to clean up his act and reject a life of crime (I’ll take care of cleaning up the kitchen).


Because my sister is sick of looking at a banana and also because I need to post something today in order to continue with my New Year’s resolution of posting once a week, here’s a picture from earlier tonight.

Also, I would like to state for the record that taking a letters obsessed toddler to the mall is not the easiest thing I’ve ever done. Thankfully I wasn’t in any sort of hurry, since he wanted to stop and point out each and every sign he saw. He actually sat on the floor in front of one sale ad so he could point out all the letters.

He was so excited earlier when I brought out this magnetic white board and showed him how his letters can stick to it.  He’s pretty much the best thing ever.

Such a Good Provider

I think Adam needs some help learning the difference between hunting and gathering.  He did do a good job making sure this banana was dead – by stabbing it repeatedly with a fork.

Adam also helped out Aunt Stacy earlier by reorganizing some of the items in her bathroom.  He kept himself entertained for a while with a box of q-tips.  The cover of the cup in front of him has a hole for a straw and he stayed busy inserting the q-tips one at a time.

Go Orange

Earlier Dave and I were talking and I jokingly said that he wanted me to have our baby in Syracuse because he’s such a huge SU fan. He now thinks Otto David is a great name, should we have a boy.  I’m going to have to use my spousal veto power on that one.

Adam is completely healthy once again, which means he’s in full terror mode.  If you ask him what a cow says – he’ll tell you moo, ask about a sheep – and he’ll baaa, ask him what mommy says and he’ll say, “No no no!”, complete with index finger wagging.  It’s adorable, and unfortunately – more often than not – true. 

He loves letters and has started pointing them out whenever he sees them on signs.  I am pretty sure the couple checking out ahead of me at my last doctor’s appointment thinks he must be a genius because he kept pointing at the EXIT sign and saying, “E”.  Then I would help him with the rest.  Little do they know that almost every letter is an “E” or an “A” to my little Einstein. 

(The above picture was taken while waiting at that doctor’s appointment.  You can see the lovely knot and bruise on the little dude’s forehead.  He does not know the meaning of “slow down” and unfortunately his feet and the rest of him aren’t always on the same page.)

Adam also gets extremely excited when we are out and he sees a celebrity.  He will point and (depending on his familiarity with the star) say their name.  It’s not normally a problem, but the other day at the grocery store he made another little girl a bit uncomfortable because he noticed her Dora the Explorer jacket and kept staring, pointing, and saying “Dora” over and over as we checked out.  Some other celebs Adam has spotted: Elmo, Mickey Mouse, Diego (Dora’s cousin), and Winnie-the-Pooh – just to name a few.

Basically Adam is just as adorable as ever – probably even more so – though I’m not sure how that’s possible. 

Doctor, Doctor!

Earlier today Adam was using his toy hammer to test my reflexes – a definite sign that our genius baby is going to be a doctor.

Although, I guess hitting me in the knee with a hammer could also indicate a career with the mafia.

I’m going to stick with doctor.

Do you smell that? Nope.

The good news is that Adam is feeling much better.

The bad news is that I am not.

Which I am honestly okay with. If one of us is going to be healthy then I’d definitely prefer it be him. However, it is difficult trying to keep up with him when all I feel like doing is laying on the couch and sleeping. Being all stuffed up with no sense of smell has also resulted in my being caught off guard by two nasty surprise diapers.


Icky Sickies

I took a trip to Walmart earlier – alone.  It was fantastic.  Aunt Stacy stayed home with the little dude (thanks again!).  The main purpose for the trip was to pick up the following items:

  1. Vicks VapoRub Baby (for Adam)
  2. Vicks VapoRub Regular (for me)
  3. Vicks VapoSteam (for Adam’s vaporizor)
  4. Robitussin cough Syrup (for me)

Yeah, not such a fun shopping list.

As much as I dislike being sick, I hate it even more when Adam isn’t feeling well. The poor kid has a really runny nose, a cough, and has had a lowgrade fever on and off for the past couple of days. He also hasn’t had much of an appetite (the exception being when it comes to the chocolate chip cookies my friend Shannon brought us – he has been caught several times trying to scale the cupboards to reach them on the counter).

Okay, I’m going to find some warm fleece footed pajamas for my poor sick boy and slather him in Vicks. Let’s hope it does the trick and we’re both feeling better soon.


Lately Adam has been playing a lot with the horse his Great Gramma Elsa got him for Christmas. He likes to sit on it and bounce up and down – he prefers if someone (me) dun-da-da-dun’s the Bonanza theme at the same time.

He also likes to pretend to fall off of the horse and will laugh like crazy when he does. I’m not sure what to think about that. I think he needs lessons from Aunt Amanda.  I am just happy that he’s finally sitting on the horse facing the right direction.