It’s in the bag

Thursday night we went to a going away dinner for a friend of mine that is moving to California. Adam was the only kid there and I was a little worried about how he’d behave himself. I ended up worrying for nothing. He was awesome. He played quietly, sat nicely in his high chair, and ate his dinner (well most of it) like a pro (he did end up with some applesauce in his hair). I think it helped that I brought my newest craft project to entertain him with.

I had gotten the pattern for this about a month ago and finally made myself give it a try this week. I used some leftover dinosaur fabric. I think it came from a quilt my mom made years ago and it was perfect for this project. I really am trying to get better about searching through the fabric and supplies I already have before going out and buying more – which I know will make Dave happy.

I resized some coloring pages I found online to stick in the middle pocket. The notebook on the right is 4×6 inches – just to give you an idea of the overall size. It easily fit in my purse and I’m not kidding when I say it kept him busy the whole time we were at dinner. I did put it away while he ate, but as soon as he was done he asked for it back.

And while we’re on the topic of things that fit in my purse, let me give you the run down there. When we are out and about I normally have my wallet, keys, cell phone, a pen, and a small coupon/gift card holder. That’s my stuff.

I also have the crayon wallet, the car playmat I made him (filled with 6 cars), two diapers, a travel size container of baby wipes, a snack of some sort (normally dry cereal), a sippy cup, a small Superman action figure (that’s important to differentiate, it is an “action figure” – not a doll), and a Blue’s Clues book.

The little man does not travel lightly.

Party in his crib

Not sure what party he’s on his way home from, but it looks like he had a good time.  Doesn’t it?

Adam and I had a great day – despite his not sleeping well at all last night. He very loudly protested going to bed again tonight. I ended up going up to get him out of his crib after 10-15 minutes of him screaming, jumping in his crib, and throwing things. When I walked in to his room he had tossed everything out of his crib – including his pajama pants.

I tried rocking him and he wanted nothing to do with that either. He walked over to the pile of things next to his crib, picked up a blanket, and walked out and stood in front of my bedroom door until I opened it for him. Then he climbed in to my bed and that’s where he is right now. He laid right down and went to sleep with no problems, and while this isn’t a habit I want to start with him it was more important to me at that point for him just to go to sleep.

And now I need to go join my roommate. Hopefully I can get to sleep without waking him.  For being less than three feet tall that kid takes up a lot of room.

Pickles & Ice Cream

Lately I’ve been craving 7UP mixed with Cranberry-Grape juice. I tried 7Up with Cranberry-Pomegranate juice too, but didn’t care for it as much (which is a little funny because with Adam I couldn’t get enough of anything pomegranate flavored).

My all-time strangest craving is the peanut butter and bacon sandwich I couldn’t stop thinking about during my last pregnancy – which, if you’re curious, was fantastic and I would eat one right now if I had it.

As I’ve been sipping on my Cran-Grape/7Up drink while typing this, I started wondering how it would taste with some lemonade mixed in.  I think I’ll have to give that a shot tomorrow.

My Little Helper

As Adam’s vocabulary increases so does his understanding of the things I say to him. I love seeing him put things together and figure them out. After lunch this afternoon I told him to put his fork away in the sink. I think he just stopped listening after the “away” part though, since he opened the silverware drawer and put it in there instead. Oh well, baby steps.

We spent some time outside again this afternoon and while he was stomping around in his new boots he tripped and ended up with his hands in the puddle. I told him to just wipe his hands on his pants (they were covered in chalk and dirt anyway, so a little water wasn’t going to make a difference).  As I told him what to do I mimed the action by wiping my own hands on my pants. So of course, he walked over and dried his wet hands on my jeans too. Sigh.

He went in to the garage while we were playing and brought his poor sleep deprived mama a stool to sit on. At least that’s what I’m telling myself – it’s far more likely that he just likes to move it around.

Him & His Shadow

I should have included these pictures in the previous post, but I didn’t realize their adorableness until I took a second pass through them. When we were outside on Thursday Adam discovered his shadow and has been fascinated by it ever since. It’s pretty cute watching him try to figure out what exactly it is.


Well the quest for rain boots was a success – mostly. The smallest size they had was a size larger than the sneakers he’s wearing right now, but he’ll grow. We ended up getting a box of sidewalk (or in our case driveway) chalk as well.

And of course, since he was properly outfitted for puddle stomping, he had no interest whatsoever in splashing through them. Here I caught him just barely walking in the water – he was too distracted by the newness of the boots and the chalk.

That was easily the highlight of my day. Most of the rest of today was spent with a cranky, willful Adam impostor. I am hoping my sweet, happy boy returns tomorrow – otherwise I might have to see if I can get him to fit in a flat-rate APO shipping box.

One last picture before I go. We saw this display made out of 12-packs of pop while we were shopping earlier.

I would have tried to get a better picture, but some lady’s kid was running laps around the crackers and kept getting in my way. Oh wait, that was my kid.

Go Orange.

It Could Happen

You’ll be happy to know that (hypothetically speaking of course) if someone was watching Blue’s Clues and trying to help draw in the handy dandy notebook by coloring on the big expensive TV screen that Crayola’s washable crayons come right off.

Not that we’ve already tested that this morning or anything.

Build a Better Mousetrap

Good thing I moved all the chairs to keep Curious Adam away from my sewing machine. And in case you were wondering that chair in the background is tipped over on purpose – otherwise he will push it over to the table, no matter how far away I move it. For some reason he hasn’t yet figured out the chairs that have things in the seats can be emptied and pushed as well. Let’s keep that between us.

Shortly after I took this photo he pulled himself on to the table and was sitting on top of it. And by “shortly” I mean in the time it took me to look down at my phone to switch it off of camera mode. That kid is quick.

Doe a Deer

I forgot to mention in my last post that I had the dickens scared out of me earlier. After I put Adam down for his nap I came downstairs to send an email to Dave before indulging in a nap of my own. As I was typing I caught something out of the corner of my eye – it was a deer! It was right outside one of the windows in our family room standing in the flower bed. I stood up to try to get a picture but it ran away. I’m not sure which one of us was more startled.

The end.