Adam definitely redeemed himself today. I woke up at 8:30 and he was still sleeping. He ended up waking up about 15 minutes later and was in an awesome mood. He had breakfast and a bath and then we finally took a trip to the indoor playground. It’s a good thing we went today, since they close for the season tomorrow. I think we’ll definitely get a membership next year, it was nice to have a place where he could run around. One of his favorite things to play with was the mailbox. There was one orange block in there when we got there and he would take the block out, put it back in, walk away, come back open the door, and repeat.

Man did he love that mailbox. I actually looked it up online and it’s like $25. The reviews aren’t that great though – the main complaint is that the mailbox doesn’t hold normal sized envelopes. I did a little more research and found a regular sized “real” plastic mailbox for less than $10, so I think he might be getting that soon. He’s not at all spoiled, I know.
In my defense (not that it takes much for me to rationalize spoiling my child) he is really in to the alphabet and coloring lately and anything that encourages that is okay with me. He can currently identify four capital letters. He knows W, M, O, and D. My favorite is when he says “O”, he pronounces it “oooh” (like the sound in pool). He also says “mmmm” (like he’s eating something yummy) for “M”. And don’t even get me started on his “W”, I need to get it on video. I don’t even know how to convey it in writing. It’s literally too adorable for words.
Another favorite of his at the playground was the “roller coaster”. You can see it behind him in the above picture and here’s a close up of him on it. I think he could have played on that all day. I enjoyed it a lot more once he figured out how to push the cart back up to the top of the ramp by himself.

After the playground we went grocery shopping, to the bank, had lunch, and then it was nap-time. He went down for his nap with no complaints and woke up in the same great mood. He’s just such a fun little kid. We did have a couple of tantrums around dinner time and while shopping – but nothing major. And really, he’s 20 months old – a couple of tantrums a day is not at all unreasonable.

That last picture was right before bed. I literally picked him up – all bundled up like that, carried him upstairs, and laid him down in his crib. He gave me a big smile, said “night night” and that was it. If only bedtime was so easy every night.