I think the lady that lived in our house before us must have been one of JCPenney’s best customers. Every couple of weeks she gets a coupon from them for $10 off of a $10 or more purchase. The coupon is actually addressed to her or “current resident” – which I am more than willing to take advantage off.
Adam and I stopped in to our local Penney’s earlier with a very specific goal in mind. Well, I had a goal. He was instantly distracted by the display of stuffed animals – particularly by the Mickey Mouses (Mickey Mice?) that were almost as big as he is. He carried two of them around as I searched for the shirts and shorts for him I’d seen on the website.

They didn’t have what I was looking for or anything else I that I really thought he needed. So yes, one of those Mickeys ended up coming home with us. In my defense, it was originally $25, on sale for $16, and I had that $10 off coupon – so after tax it ended up being less than $7.50. And if that wasn’t enough of a reason – Adam is crazy about it. So crazy about it in fact that he threw a fit at Lowe’s when I made Mickey stay in the car.

He and Mickey have been inseparable all night. He even had Mickey in his car earlier and pushed him around the driveway (after he realized there wasn’t enough room for both of them to ride). I think it was money well spent.