Oh Toodles!



Adam just walked up to me and spit a small piece of plastic in to my hand. It’s an odd shape and I have no idea what it is or where he found it. I asked him where he got it from and he pointed to the inside of his mouth. Not that helpful, but technically he is correct.


The pictures have nothing to do with the story.  They’re just cute.


M is for Monster

This kid is too smart for his own good. He was playing with his alphabet puzzle earlier and I asked him to hand me the “M”.  He looked at it for a minute, picked up the “W”, turned it upside down and gave it to me.

I think we’ll hold off on his MENSA application though. Just minutes later he was roaring and stomping like a dinosaur as he flung 26 puzzle pieces around the living room.


Just a quick picture from our walk earlier. Adam insisted that “Hot Dog” accompany us. Yes, he refers to the big Mickey as Hot Dog (thanks to the hot dog song on the show).

Hot Dog, Hot Dog, Hot Diggity Dog!!  Just in case any of you needed help getting it stuck in your head.

He’s Got Style

A couple of pictures from last week (back when the weather was nice enough to play outside – unlike today with our high of 44° and rain).

Not just anyone can pull that look off – and yes, it’s an “outfit” of his own creation.

Just a Note

Dear Adam,

When your poor mommy is hunched over the potty (because at 36 weeks pregnant she STILL has “morning” sickness) this is not an invitation for you to climb on her back and say, “yee-ha”.

