Last night before we went to bed Dave and I checked in on the little dude to make sure he was sleeping okay. This is what we found.
Thankfully we were able to re-pants him before any damage was done.
Earlier today Adam and I were building with his legos. He helped me build a tower about a foot and a half high and then stood up and said “T-rex!” and stomped it in to pieces.
I really love that kid.
Last night I finished the baby’s quilt – which Adam immediately commandeered as his own. He likes to point out the different animals and make their noises.
It’s probably fine that he’s decided it’s his blanket – since it doesn’t appear that his younger brother or sister has any plans to use it in the near future.
This evening we went out for ice cream and for the bargain price of $1.29 Adam was able to get his own kiddie cone. It was the largest “kiddie” cone I’ve ever seen.
Next time we will know to ask them just to fill the cone to the top and not go over. Each time Adam took a bite he held the cone against his chest – that is until he started using his hands.
I think it was definitely worth it though. And I know one sticky faced little boy that would probably agree.
To: My Unborn Child
Please be advised that the term of your lease for the property you occupy expired on the 31st day of May, 2011. Management has elected not to renew your rental agreement beyond this date. Your current occupancy is unauthorized and you have five (5) days from the date of this notice to vacate the premises. If you fail to leave as requested medical action will be taken.
This kid:
Not too much going on here. I’m still computer-less and still very pregnant. I will say though that being a million months pregnant in NY the end of May is much nicer than being a million months pregnant during the end of July in Virginia.
This picture was taken after dinner tonight. Outside of the restaurant we ate at there was a little machine full of corn to feed the ducks and geese with. Adam was very serious about it all. I’d say it was fifty cents well spent.
I know I’ve been pretty quiet lately and while it’s true I’ve had my hands full between Dave getting home, wrangling Adam, and being a million months pregnant the real reason for the radio silence is that I’m currently without a functioning computer. The day Dave got home my laptop died. We originally thought I’d gotten a virus, but it turned out to be a bad harddrive (thankfully still covered under warranty). I got it back yesterday but it’s still not behaving properly so we’ll be taking it back to get refixed tomorrow.
I do have a bunch of stories and pictures to share so I’ll try to catch up on that soon – unborn child permitting (only 10 days until my official due date – guess I should probably get that hospital bag packed!). For now though here’s a picture from Adam’s very first swim lesson – which he is currently in the middle of as I type. Thanks to my future brother-in-law Rob and his cell phone we’re able to get real-time updates. I’d say I love technology, but it’s only partially true since my laptop hates me right now.
I did just get an update that he’s been smiling a lot the last five minutes, so hopefully that means he’s getting used to the pool and enjoying himself – this is supposed to be fun after-all.