This was my first week home alone during the day with both boys. Thanks to the holiday it was a short week, which was probably a good thing. Between yesterday and today I have located (and forcefully removed) at least 14 grey hairs. This is not an exaggeration, nor do I believe it is a coincidence.

Alright, I’ll admit that might be a bit melodramatic of me (there really were 14 grey hairs though and I’m certain I didn’t find them all). The boys really weren’t bad at all. The first day was a little rough. Poor Adam went from being at my parents’ house, surrounded by people, to being home with me and Luke.

The first tantrum of the day occurred when I had the audacity to stop playing legos with him in order to feed Luke. Adam definitely needed some extra attention and any time I wasn’t holding Luke I was holding Adam. There was also a huge tantrum because I gave him a cut up apple to snack on (which he asked for) however in the time it took me to slice up the apple he changed his mind and wanted a cracker with peanut butter – only he didn’t really want the peanut butter. To add to the confusion Adam’s pronunciation of “cracker” is almost identical to how he says “tractor”.

The next day went smoother. We spent about an hour playing outside with the water table (which can apparently also be used as a pool). Adam seemed to handle the lower adult to child ratio much better and wasn’t nearly as clingy. It was an interesting week though and I found myself saying a lot of things I never imagined I would.

Things like:
- Don’t put the choo choo in the potty. (he did)
- Why is there a monkey in the ice dispenser?
- Don’t give the baby a yuck. (he did)
- Don’t go potty in the closet. (this was after he ripped off his diaper and ran away from me, and yes, he did)
- Don’t eat the football. (he did)

Adam is taking more of an interest in his little brother lately. He looks for him as soon as he gets up in the morning and even refers to him as Luke now instead of just “baby”. He likes to hold him (for about 5 seconds and then sometimes says “no hold” to let me know he’s done – other times he he will just push him away).

And speaking of Luke, he is fantastic. So far he’s been a dream baby. I really was afraid we’d been spoiled with Adam (he was such an easy baby), but Luke is a great sleeper and a very laid back, happy little man (I probably just jinxed us there and now won’t get any sleep for the next three years).

Oh, and on the topic of sleep, if I could get Adam to sleep in past 6:30 things would be even better. I can’t complain too much though – despite the tantrums, mischief, and early morning wake up calls he really is a great little boy – plus he’s really cute.