Yesterday Adam decided that the best place for him to sit was in my dresser. I checked to make sure the drawer was holding his weight okay and then left him. He was quiet and happy – that was good enough for me. Especially since he woke me up at 6:30 that morning. Lately Luke’s been a night owl, Adam’s been an early bird, and I’ve been one tired mama.

After he was done playing it was bath time. This was only my second time giving Luke a bath. As much as I love newborns and am fine with feeding, holding, snuggling, diaper changing and even fingernail clipping, I don’t do baths. The combination of a tiny baby and slippery soap makes me nervous, so Dave handles baths for the first month.

I decided to try something different this time and have them both in the tub. This worked a lot better than last time, if for no other reason than it kept Adam out of trouble while I got Luke cleaned up. We probably would have had a much easier day had I kept him in the tub for more of it.
Adam’s been a very opinionated and self-sufficient little man lately. He insisted on putting on socks when he got dressed and doing it himself (Adam do!). He had a tantrum when one of the socks refused to cooperate and then relented a little and let me help. That ended up being the theme of our day: Adam trying to do something, it not working the way he wanted, and him flipping out.

He had plenty of good moments too though. We watched an episode of Blue’s Clues where they played Hide and Seek and so Adam spent a fair amount of time hiding behind things and jumping out to surprise me – it was pretty adorable. He was so full of energy all day that when Dave got home he commented that it was like he was on fast-forward, which was a very good way to describe him. He did calm down eventually and had a great time helping Dave assemble our new dining room set (I’ll try to post pictures of that tomorrow).

Luke was also a bit of a handful – literally. He decided he wasn’t going to be happy unless I was holding him. At first I was frustrated that I couldn’t take a shower, much less get anything else done, and then I remembered one of my mom’s favorite poems.
“The cleaning and scrubbing will wait till tomorrow,
for children grow up, as I’ve learned to my sorrow.
So quiet down, cobwebs. Dust go to sleep.
I’m rocking my baby and babies don’t keep.”
(From “Song for a Fifth Child” by Ruth Hulburt Hamilton)

And so while Adam napped I rocked Luke and sang to him and enjoyed every minute of it. Eventually he got in a deep enough sleep where I could put him in his bassinet and go shower. Of course, just as I was finishing getting dressed Adam woke up.
So I spent a little time (as long as he let me) rocking him too.