Hands on House

Another place we visited while in Lancaster County was called the “Hands on House”. This place was amazing. I wish there was one near our house because I would take Adam and Luke there all the time. They had a construction area where you could play with all sorts of vehicles and even load and unload big “rocks” (they were made out of black foam), there was a face painting area (we did not partake in this) where you could paint your own face, there was a pretend grocery store, a room full of dress up clothes, a fishing pond, a machine shop, a farm, and two tables full of Mr. Potato Heads (and accessories) to play with.

And that was just some of the inside. The outside was just as fun. There was a huge playground, a garden, a rock wall, and a giant sandbox full of toys. It was educational too. Each of the exhibits had a way of sneaking in a little lesson. For example in the fishing area you had to measure each fish you caught to see if it was a “keeper” or needed to be tossed back in the water. Adam was a little bit too young for a lot of the lessons, but that didn’t stop him from having a fantastic time.

It was awesome.

Gone Fishin’

Picking corn on the farm

At the Grocery Store (don’t worry, I was less than two feet away from Luke)

In the “Machine Shop”, building a track for the ball to travel on (Dave had a lot of fun with this one)

On the rock wall – Adam was a pro at this, thanks to all his practicing at Grandmama & Papa’s House. As soon as he saw it he ditched his shoes and ran right to it.

Adam really wanted to talk to that little girl, and she was not at all interested in him. He must have went up to her 12 times and said, “Hi, I Adam”, and finally she yelled, “I already heard you!!”. Poor Adam.

Turkey Hill

Part of our mini-vacation a couple of weeks ago was spent in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. During one of our days there we visited the Turkey Hill Experience and learned all about their ice cream.

I wasn’t sure how much Adam would enjoy this, however he loved it. It was really child friendly. His favorite part was the ball pit (I posted a picture of him playing in there a couple of days ago). I think he would have stayed in there all day if we’d have let him.

They had a ton of activities geared toward little kids. He was able to milk a mechanical cow, “drive” an ice cream truck (he absolutely loved that and still talks about it), and they even had free ice cream samples.

We spent a lot more time there then I’d originally thought we would. It really had a fantastic mix of activities for children and adults. And while I didn’t capture a lot of photos where Adam was smiling, he had a great time too.

Sweepin’ the Clouds Away

On Saturday we took the boys to Sesame Place. For several days prior to our visit Adam told everyone he met that he was going to see Elmo. He was so excited and any time we got in the car he’d ask me if we were going to see Elmo. It was adorable.

When we finally did get to Elmo’s house, Adam was less enthusiastic. In fact, he was downright terrified of the furry red monster (and all his friends). We had breakfast with the characters that morning and any time one of them got within 10 feet of our table he clung to whichever parent wasn’t holding Luke.

We tried to get a nice photo of the four of us with Elmo. It turned out nothing like the vacation keepsake I had in my mind. Let me try to describe it for you, since I was not about to shell out $20 to buy a copy.

Picture it, Dave holding Adam on Elmo’s right and me holding Luke on the other side. Imagine a look of sheer terror on Adam’s face as he tries to scale his daddy to get as far away from Elmo as possible and Dave, dimples blazing, just smiling at the camera. Envision Luke throwing up at the exact moment the photographer clicked the button to capture our happy family, and my eyes wide as I try to protect our camera and Elmo (in that order) from his milk-based attack.

It was so bad that it was almost worth the $20.


Later in the day Adam did get more comfortable with the characters. We got to see Elmo a second time and got the nice picture I’d been hoping for. Well, sort of – Adam wouldn’t smile and Luke was sleeping, but compared to that first photo, I’ll happily take it.

And here are some more pictures from our visit, you can click on any of them if you’d like to see them larger.

  1. Adam, not at all interested in playing Peek-a-Boo with Bert
  2. C is for Cookie, L is for Luke
  3. Poor Adam, see the fear in his eyes?
  4. Dave, Luke, and Big Bird
  5. Can you tell me how to get…
  6. Adam watching “Elmo’s World Live”, he absolutely loved it. I am sure it helped that Elmo kept his distance.
  7. Dave and Adam riding the Flyin’ Fish
  8. Our little family with Elmo & the newest monster to the street, Murray
  9. Happy Luke, while we waited for Adam and Dave to get off of another ride
  10. Adam showing Abby his rubber ducky that he won at a game
  11. No Luke here, he was sleeping in the stroller

It was really a fantastic day. At home Sunday night before bedtime, I asked Adam if he wanted to go see Elmo again sometime, and he said “No thanks, watch Elmo on TV”.

Apparently he didn’t enjoy our visit to Sesame Place as much as Dave & I did.

My Gems

The boys and I took a trip to the library today so I could return and restock my books. We spent some time in the children’s section so Adam could play with the puzzles. We also checked out a dinosaur book to read before bed, “How do Dinosaurs say Goodnight”.

Adam was a big fan of this shapes puzzle. He knows all of them except the trapezoid, octagon, and pentagon. I’m pretty impressed that he can differentiate between a circle and an oval, and also that he knows the difference between squares, rectangles, and diamonds. I didn’t realize he knew what a diamond was before today.

He’s also been big in to cylinders lately, which he finds hilarious. Earlier today he brought me a battery and kept saying “silly cylinder” as he showed it to me and pretended laugh.

And can we just talk about this one for a minute? He is growing like a weed. Luke is a regular chatterbox. He likes telling stories and blowing spit bubbles (which sounds disgusting but is really adorable – trust me). He has the best toothless smile and loves his pacifier (his thumb and fingers are a close second). The pacifier thing is new to us, Adam never wanted one. Luke however, will protest loudly if his is not available when he wants.

We really lucked out with these silly, smiley boys.

Mr. Conductor

When they rang the bells in church this morning Adam took that as his cue to yell, “All aboard the choo choo train!”

He also got tired of the guys up front picking the music and decided he needed to sing a solo. He chose “Itsy Bitsy Spider”.

He is pretty fantastic.