Crawl the Line

This kid wants to crawl so badly. He gets up on his hands and knees and rocks and when that doesn’t work he gets angry and starts yelling.

He is so close to getting the hang of it. Yesterday he used his feet to push off the floor, almost like jumping, toward a toy that he wanted. It worked and he got the toy – for about 3.5 seconds and then Adam decided he wanted that toy and stole it away.

It’s tough being the little brother.


Baby, you can drive my car

Yesterday the boys and I spent the morning at the indoor playground near our house. I knew Adam would have a good time, but I wasn’t sure Luke would get too much out of it.

Boy was I wrong. Luke had the best time playing in this little red car. His legs could just barely touch the ground, but he was able to jump up and down in it. The steering wheel lit up and made noise and he thought that was the coolest thing ever.

Adam had a blast too. He jumped in the bounce house, slid down the fireman pole (with help), and climbed the rock wall. We will definitely be going back soon.


On Friday Dave took the day off from work and we had a nice lazy family morning. Then in the afternoon we packed the kids up and rode the Polar Express to the North Pole.

Most of the children (and some of the adults too) wore their pajamas on the train.

I couldn’t resist getting the boys matching jammies (which shouldn’t be a surprise to anyone that knows me). Adam insisted on wearing his fireman boots (again). That kid has a pretty fantastic sense of style.

There were elves on the train that accompanied us to the North Pole. A couple of them tried to interact with Adam on the way there, but he was not at all interested. He would tell them “train going” and turn and look out the window again.

Luke charmed a few of the girl elves though. The ladies love The Duke.

At the North Pole the elves got off of the train and when they came back they brought Mr. C with them. On the train ride back Santa stopped and talked to each child.

I could not believe that Adam got so close to Santa. He told him he was a good boy and wanted new crayons, a Mickey Mouse Clubhouse toy, and m&m’s for Christmas.

Luke didn’t say much, but he did give Santa a nice smile.

It really was a lot of fun and we all had a great time. Hopefully we’ll be able to do it again next year. I am sure Adam won’t complain.

Sit Back and Relax

The day before Thanksgiving Luke started sitting unassisted. He can’t get in to that position by himself (yet) but it didn’t take him long to master the whole not toppling over thing (most of the time).

He’s also been showing signs of trying to crawl. He will get up on his hands and knees and rock, but hasn’t shown any controlled movement yet.

I am not pleased. He was not supposed to grow up so fast.