High Fashion

I let Adam pick out his own clothes today. We weren’t planning on going anywhere (though with the help of a friend, Dave was able to get my car running again so we could have if we’d wanted to) and honestly as cold as it’s been lately I’m just happy with any outfit, provided he keeps it on. Not to mention that as sleep deprived as I was most of the day I doubt I could have come up with anything better.

Try not to be too jealous of the boy’s killer fashion sense. I suspect this look will be all over the Paris runways in the spring.

Are you sleeping?

It is currently 10:23 PM.

I took this picture less than 10 minutes ago.

I got Adam in his pajamas and put him to bed at 7:45.

He is still awake and his pj’s are MIA.

He is so lucky he’s cute.

Edited to Add: It is now 11:53 and both kids are still awake. I am not impressed.

Chance of Snow

Earlier while Dave was in the garage trying to fix my car (which is currently not running, thus causing me to be a very literal stay-at-home-mom) and Luke was moving around the living room (I don’t think we can call it crawling, since he gets on all fours, then stands on his feet and pushes forward – but he is definitely moving with purpose), Adam and I decided to have “Art Time”. Adam requested we make something to hang on the wall (I think the hanging on the wall is his favorite part). We both got a lot of fun art supplies for Christmas so we broke out a set of alphabet stamps and went to town (note: we did not actually go to town, we stayed in the dining room, it’s just an expression and my car doesn’t work). After taking the set of stamps out of their packaging, I went in to the kitchen for a pair of scissors (to open the ink pad with) and Adam discovered a small styrofoam block which had been packed with the stamps. He ripped it in to little pieces, threw them in the air and yelled, “It’s snowing”.

The end.

Stand in the place where you live

I gave the boys a bath today and then got Luke dressed while Adam continued to play. I popped Luke in his bassinet before I got Adam out of the tub and when I came back this is what I found.

I guess I shouldn’t be too surprised, Adam was just about the same age when he started using things to help him stand. Looks like we’ll be moving Adam out of his crib very soon and handing it over to Luke.

Luke Two Tooth

Luke celebrated the new year yesterday with the appearance of his second tooth.

He looks pretty happy for a teething baby, doesn’t he? He has been having a blast playing with his new play gym (a Christmas gift from Grandma Cathy and Grandpa Kurt). It’s pretty neat, the piano lights up and plays music and he can sit up to play with it or lay down and kick it.

 Adam is a big fan of it as well.

I tried to get a nice shot of the two boys together. They were looking particularly adorable in their fleece football pajamas and were both in pretty good moods as well.

That is until Adam tried to sit on Luke.

Poor Luke. I’m sorry kiddo.

For the record, no Lukes were permanently injured in my quest for the perfect photo.

For now I’m just going to have to be content with photographing one child at a time.

Twenty Twelve

Happy New Year!!

First resolution of 2012: Get Adam back on a good bedtime and nap schedule. I went to bed last night at one o’clock and Adam was still awake. I wish I was kidding. When he was still up at 11:50 we brought him out for the ball drop and then put him back in bed after it was over.

It was pretty cute to have him yelling, “Happy New New!!” But since even after his late night he only “slept in” to 8:30, we really need to work on getting him back on a routine.

Second resolution: Update this site at least twice a week. Last year I set a goal of updating at least once a week and am proud to report that I was successful (I will admit to cheating one week by back-dating a post). I should be able to handle two posts a week – two kids should give me twice as much to talk about, right?

In many ways 2011 was a very good year to us. Dave came home safely from his deployment to Afghanistan, we were blessed with another healthy baby boy, and we celebrated Adam’s second birthday.

The year was not without its share of hardships as well. I try to keep the mood here light and fun, because really, people come here to see pictures of my children and read about the many, many ways they are turning my hair gray. I don’t want to mislead anyone in to thinking things here are always unicorns and rainbows though – because that just ain’t so.

My wishes for 2012 are that my children remain healthy and happy, that my extended family continues to grow in number – and not decrease, and that I become a better, more patient mother to my boys.

That last one is not to imply that I am not a good mom already, because while I may not be a perfect parent (whatever that is), I do not feel all conceited in saying that I am the best mommy for Luke and Adam. Do I think that every person should raise their kids the exact same way? No. I am just saying that I think when it comes to raising our boys – Dave and I are the best ones for the job – which is probably a good thing, since it is our job.

I do struggle with patience though (if only I had a nickel for every time my mother reminded me that, “patience is a virtue”). And as these two little “angels” of mine get older my patience is definitely put to the test more frequently.

I wouldn’t trade my sweet, silly little guys for anything though. So I am sure this year you can expect lots of stories and photos (at least twice a week right?) as we go about living our crazy life.


He looks pretty sweet doesn’t he?

You’d never guess that just hours earlier this little angel was walking around with a bag of mini-marshmallows saying “I eat snowman poop” (thanks for that by the way dad).

Also, it’s tough to get an appreciation for how packed my car was on our drive back home. Dave did an awesome job arranging all of our gifts (the four of us were very spoiled loved this Christmas).

Adam the Builder

One of Adam’s favorite Christmas gifts so far (we have another Christmas coming up this week with Dave’s family) is the Craftsman tool bench he got from Grandmama and Papa. He patiently waited for Aunt Stacy and Mommy (Aunt Stacy did most of the work) to assemble it and has played with it pretty much non-stop since then.

Fun fact #1: The tool bench was put together with the toy tools and bolts it came with. I am guessing it will take Adam about two weeks to figure out how to completely dismantle it.

Fun Fact #2: The lathe/grinder actually turns – how fun is that?

Adam also got a toolbox full of tools from Gramma E that fits perfectly on the shelf on the bottom of his bench. The toolbox also makes it easy for him to take his supplies offsite if he happens to see something that needs to be fixed.

Unfortunately for us he is about as good as Grandpa Kurt when it comes to putting his tools away at the end of a job (Dave totally told me to write that).

Never seen a rabbit wearing glasses

In addition to the new tooth Luke’s had two other recent “firsts”.

He tried carrots for the first time and absolutely loved them. I am guessing about half of the container made it into his belly.

This new food was followed very quickly by another first.

He wasn’t crazy about the spray nozzle, but other than that liked it just fine.

And this kid isn’t wasting any time on the teeth front – his second tooth is just about through.

Luke One Tooth

All I want for Christmas
is my very first tooth,
my very first tooth,
see my very first tooth!

Yep, the little elf cut his first tooth on Christmas Day. I know this because that evening he bit me. It wasn’t on purpose (so I don’t have to recommend he be added to the “naughty” list for next year), but man those little suckers are sharp!

We didn’t even realize he was teething. He’d been a little cranky, but we attributed that to the shots he had gotten at his last check up. Let’s hope he handles the next 19 teeth as well.