Mr. Independent

Lately Adam wants to do everything by himself.

Here he is taking off the shirt I had just buttoned, “Ah-may do it myself!” (Ah-may is how he pronounces Adam).

And here he is putting the shirt back on.

Getting him dressed is a lot more difficult than it used to be. I try to make sure we have plenty of time for him to dress himself, but sometimes I have to take over. Thankfully he doesn’t stay mad at me for long.

He let me dress him before we went to the YMCA this morning. Then before nap time insisted that he needed pajamas on. He started to put the shirt on backwards and so I asked him if he wanted the teddy bear on his belly or on his back, when he said belly and realized he couldn’t see it, he let me help him without his normal protest. Other than that he was able to get everything on by himself.

Later after a diaper change he had a little trouble putting the pants back on though.

The pants are inside out and backwards. My mom tells her students to wear their pajamas that way when they are hoping for a snow day – maybe Adam wants them to get a half day off tomorrow?

What does “Z-R-B-T-T” spell?

Someone broke my Luke.

He’s not sleeping as well as he used to and he has been miserable the past two days at the YMCA. Yesterday it was so bad that they had to come get me after only 25 minutes because he wouldn’t stop crying. As soon as they handed him to me he calmed right down, but he would start right back up again if he wasn’t touching me (he was fine on my lap, fine sitting on the floor right next to me, flipped out when I moved two feet away to get him a toy).

I’m not sure what’s to blame for this change. He isn’t teething (at least not that I can see). I don’t think he’s getting sick. My best guess is that his sleep pattern being all screwed up is making him extra clingy and cranky around other people.

Hopefully it’s just a phase and he’s back on a normal schedule soon.

In other news he recently started sticking out his tongue and making zerbert-like noises. The result is an adorably slobbery mess. He loves the sounds it makes and thinks it’s hysterical if you do it back to him.

Luke caught Adam on the arm the other day while in the middle of his noise-making drool fest and inadvertently gave him a yuck. Adam was not impressed and actually said, “No yuck Luke!”

As a fellow firstborn you might think I’d have more sympathy for Adam. You would be wrong. I am all for Luke doing whatever he can to annoy Adam. I pretty sure he’s earned it.

Snow Much Fun!

Winter finally arrived last week, so Adam had some fun in the snow with Aunt Stacy and Uncle Rob this past weekend.

He’s wearing Luke’s hat and either my mom or Stacy’s gloves (he does have his own hat and now also has nice warm mittens of his own for next time).

They said he had a blast – which doesn’t surprise me at all. Dave and I weren’t there, we were on our way home from Canada. On Saturday we drove out to my parents’, ditched the kids, and went over the border for the night. Thank you again Mom and Dad for watching the boys – we had a great time.

Funny side story – On Saturday night I had Indian Food at an Irish Pub in Canada (it was delicious by the way).

And thanks to Stacy and Mom for sending me the pictures of the boys while we were gone. I’m especially fond of this post-sled one.

 Luke didn’t make it out in the snow this time, he was happy just to have the sit-n-spin all to himself.

One More Thing

Adam wanted to get in on the “Bear in the Chair” photo shoot the other day too. He insisted on covering up with the blanket.

Then he told me he needed “one more thing”.

So I willingly retrieved the “one” more thing he wanted (it was really more like 10 more things).

Then he told me he needed “just one more thing”.

And then “one more thing” after that.

And that time he meant it. Is there a program to help hoarders at this age?


Luke @ 7 mos

This last month has been a busy one for The Duke. He celebrated his first Christmas, got his first two teeth and started crawling! He’s growing like a weed!

Now that Luke is mobile the “Bear in the Chair” pictures are getting a little more difficult.

I am sure it won’t be long until he realizes that he can pick up that bear and toss him on to the floor. That was always one of Adam’s favorite things to do while I was trying to get a picture.

Waitin’ at the Car Wash

Yesterday the boys and I met Dave for lunch at Applebees (or “The Apple” as Adam calls it). On the way home I decided to drive through a car wash and apparently everyone else in our town had the same idea because we were in line forever.

Adam thought it was pretty neat at first that mommy’s car was getting a shower – but then as the noises outside got louder he decided he didn’t like it at all.