A kid of many talents

Adam can mimic a lot of other animals, not just giraffes. Here are a few more examples of his animal impersonations.

  • Bees – Beeeeeeeeeeeee
  • Skunks – Pee-yew
  • Alligators – Chomp chomp (while using his arms to mimic the alligator’s mouth)
  • Horses – Yee-haw

He is a pretty talented kid. He also has a killer fashion sense.

Here he is showing off his new look – Star Wars shirt and Hobbit pants (borrowed from Luke). He’s going to get all the ladies.


One of Adam’s favorite games right now is for someone to pretend to turn him in to different animals. It’s pretty simple, you take a pen, hair brush, french fry – whatever you have handy to act as a magic wand – and say, “Poof, you’re a monkey/frog/cat/etc.” Then Adam will respond by making the sounds commonly associated with that animal.

This is repeated until the little dude demands to be turned back in to Adam. He always answers, “Poof, you’re Adam”, with “That’s better.”

Recently while playing the game Dave decided to try and trick Adam by saying, “Poof, you’re a giraffe.” Adam stopped mid-ribbit and looked up at Dave with a confused look on his face. Dave, thinking he had bested Adam, asked, “What does a giraffe say?”

Adam thought about it for a second, then stood up on the tips of his toes, stretched out his neck as far as he could, and said, “I have a long neck!”

I am pretty sure Adam won that round.

Roll Over, Roll Over

We were at my parents’ house last night and I had a tough time getting Luke to sleep. Adam, Luke, and I were in the queen-sized guest bed (despite the fact that my parents also have a crib, bassinet, and another guest room with two twin beds – that’s where Dave was camped out – smart man).

Normally if Luke can cuddle with me, he’ll fall right asleep. So I was trying to hold him and he kept squirming away from me to get to Adam. After three times of moving him I gave up and this is how the little guy finally fell asleep.

I guess he just wanted his brother.

245 Days Old

Today is the Duke’s 8 month birthday, which means it was time for his Bear in the Chair photo shoot. This was probably the easiest time I’ve ever had getting a picture (with him or Adam). I was expecting him to be climbing all over the chair and throwing the bear (which does make for some fun pictures), but he was apparently just tired enough first thing this morning to sit nicely and smile.

You’ll notice the different background, since the infamous chair now resides in Luke’s room, not Adam’s. It’s also Luke’s first photo without footie jammies.
I like to give Dave grief about not passing his dimples on to either of our boys. Honestly though, I don’t think I could handle Luke with dimples. My eyes would probably explode from the cuteness overload.

Dream Big

Last Sunday was a pretty big night in our house. We took the crib out of Adam’s room and moved it in to Luke’s room. This meant that the bed in Luke’s room (which Adam, until just recently referred to as “Stacy’s bed”, since that’s where she would sleep), is now Adam’s new big boy bed.

Both pieces of furniture had to be disassembled before they could be moved and Adam was quick to run down to his workbench and grab two screwdrivers so he could help.

So far the transition (at least on Adam’s end) has gone a lot smoother than I thought it would. I was convinced there was no way that Adam would stay in bed and go to sleep, but he does. He still fights bedtime, but he doesn’t leave his bed.

A couple of nights after we made the change we were shopping and found some bedding that was perfect for Adam’s room. He was so excited about his “new bed”.

Now if only we could get Luke to agree to sleep in the crib. So far he’s not a fan.

How I wonder what you are

Adam has a new version of Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star. It’s mostly my fault. Without going in to too many details I will say that while trying to get him to go on the potty I tried singing him a song to the tune, and it stuck. He refuses to sing the first line any other way.

Sometimes it’s probably a good thing that more people can’t understand what he’s saying.


After a month and a half break, Story Time started up again at the library today. During one of the stories, the librarian asked Adam if he knew where his toes were. He pointed to his feet and answered, “They right here. In my boots, in my socks.”

When the books were all read and Adam had spent an additional half hour playing with puzzles it was time to go home. On our way out of the children’s room, without any prompting from me Adam went up to the librarian and said, “Thank you for reading me a story. I’ll see you later.”

That kid makes my heart so happy.

Oooooh Shiny!

Another thing I’m loving about this kid right now?The way he pronounces necklace. The other day he asked me, “Mommy, what happened to you neck-a-neck?” After I went and put on a necklace for him he said, “That’s better Mommy. I like you neck-a-neck”.

I am going to order this charm over the weekend. I can’t wait for Adam to see my new “neck-a-neck”. He will probably insist I wear it every day.

I am completely okay with that.