PS – On the next leap day, Adam will be in 1st grade!!
Ten Pin
Last Friday night we went bowling with a bunch of Dave’s coworkers. I didn’t think Adam would do any actual bowling. I thought he’d just run around with all the other little kids there. Then I saw a friend of ours helping his daughter roll the ball and I knew there was no way Adam would be content to just watch.
So he and I split a game. I would do the first ball and then Dave would help him roll the second. About midway through I decided to sit out completely and let the boys bowl while I played with Luke.
Adam finished with a 29. Not a record breaking score by any means, but he can’t join the Professional Bowlers Association until he’s 18 anyway, so he’s got plenty of time to practice.
Shine little glow worm
I tossed some glow sticks in under the bubbles before putting Adam in the tub today.
He had a great time looking for them and was so excited each time he found one.
He connected them all together and was so proud of the finished product, “I make a big circle mommy!”
Then he had me help him make them all back in to little circles again.
Next time I go to the store I’ll definitely be picking up another pack (or two) of these. Adam had a blast playing with them. They won’t be for every bath, but at a dollar a pack I think we can splurge once in a while.
The keepers
I honestly didn’t think Adam would sit for any pictures. That child is constantly on fast-forward. The photographer did a great job chasing him around though and so we got a few nice pictures of our little wild man.
This is the third time we’ve had Adam’s photo taken on that rocking horse. The first time it was the photographer’s idea. The last two times it was all Adam.
That’s my favorite picture, it captured Adam’s slightly evil grin. That smile generally means he’s plotting something. I see that face a lot.
So there you go, three really cute (at least in my opinion) pictures of Adam. In the interest of full disclosure I will admit that we did resort to bribery. Adam’s limited cooperation cost us a coloring book, a sticker, twenty-six cents, and I may have promised to name our next child Diego.
Luke was a much more willing model.
Well, when he wasn’t crawling away.
Here’s my favorite Luke picture of the day.
Just try to tell me those aren’t the cutest kids you’ve ever seen.
You can’t can you?
Didn’t think so.
Call me Ishmael
I am fairly certain that a nice professional photograph of Adam and Luke together has become my white whale. We had their pictures taken earlier today and this was the best picture we got.
At least they were both looking at the camera and nobody was crying. Adam insisted on riding the rocking horse. Later he stole the ball from Luke and threw it at the photographer, just barely missing the camera.
It’s tough to tell in that last picture, but Luke was just starting to cry. I think Adam was planning his escape.
This next pose had potential – they can’t run if they’re laying down. Adam found the flaw in that plan though and wouldn’t stop kicking.
She did end up taking individual pictures of each boy and merging them together to fake a family memory for me. It’s not a perfect photo though (Luke is a little too big compared to Adam) and it was more than I wanted to spend. We did end up getting the individual photos she used in her frankenportrait though.
Here are the rest of the photos that we didn’t order.
I love that you can see his teeth in that picture.
That little column was surprisingly light. As a result Luke was able to knock it down twice, both times hitting himself in the head. After the second time we put that prop away.
I am not sure if he was on his way up or down in that last picture. He almost looks like he should be on a surfboard though.
I am pretty sure he’s pointing at Adam, as if to say that all the picture shenanigans were his brother’s fault.
I think Hoss might need to take a trip to Illinois for some riding help from Aunt Amanda and Leah (her horse).
He makes quite the handsome little cowboy, don’t you think?
Who needs a dog?
He ain’t heavy
Yesterday I stumbled upon these photos that were taken about a month ago (yes, Luke is wearing the same outfit as yesterday’s post).
I love that last one because it’s photographic proof that Luke does have a small dimple on his left cheek. We’ve noticed it before, but it’s not nearly as pronounced as Dave’s dimples and Luke has to be making just the right face, so we don’t see it very often.
Also, I would just like to point out the title of this post. If you recognize it as part of a song and can tell me the next line is, “he’s my brother”, your musical knowledge easily surpasses that of a certain husband of mine.
This is the same man that thought I made up the song “Cecilia”. I ended up calling my mom and sister and they backed me up – literally – by singing the song in to the phone for Dave so he knew it was a real song.
Oh, and speaking of Simon and Garfunkel, this past weekend I sprinkled some thyme to the stew we were making and jokingly (or so I thought) asked Dave if I should also add some parsley, sage, and rosemary. He didn’t get it. He told me that rosemary would be to overpowering in the stew.
I don’t know why I even try.
The other day Adam went running to Luke as soon as he heard him wake up from his nap. He gave him a huge hug (which Luke tolerated surprisingly well) and said, “Good morning Luke a Luke. I missed you Luke a Luke.”
Then he grabbed his hand, pretended to shake it and said, “Pleased to meet you Luke Luke Luke.”
I have no idea where he got that last part from. I’m sure it’s from television, but I really don’t know what show. I am pretty good at tuning out cartoons. It’s really not all that surprising; I’ve had years of practice thanks to all the sports Dave watches.
Aesthetically pleasing
Adam drew his first person last week.
In case you can’t tell, that’s Luke. Hopefully Adam’s artistic talents continue to develop (unlike his father’s).
PS: Happy Birthday Grandma U! This picture is no surprise to you, since he drew it in your birthday card!