Slip Slidin’ Away

I met a friend out for lunch today and, at her suggestion, we went to a McDonald’s with a nice, huge play area. It was a great idea. We were able to sit and talk while Adam ran around like a wild man.

We were there for about an hour and a half before he worked up the courage to go down this big slide. He was so proud of himself and went around telling anyone that would listen, “I go down the big slide, I not scared!”. He then went down the slide nonstop until we left. He couldn’t wait to tell Dave that he went down the slide and probably mentioned it to him at least four separate times over the course of our evening.

While I’m on the subject of Adam I need to relate a story from earlier this week. We met Dave for lunch after story-time on Wednesday (I know, two lunch dates in one week – we are so popular). After we were done eating Adam said, “I see Uncle Robbie”. I asked him where and he pointed to one of the television screens and said, “Right there, playing basketball”. I asked him if Uncle Robbie was a good basketball player and he thought about it for a minute then said, “No, he not. He miss.”

Sorry Rob. Maybe we can borrow some videos of your games to convince him otherwise?

Are You Sleeping Brother Luke?

Poor Luke.

Adam woke The Duke up when he was trying to take his afternoon nap yesterday – twice. When Luke finally was left alone he just flopped right over where he was sitting and went back to sleep.

He ended up changing positions eventually, and slept for over four hours.

I totally get it little man. It takes a lot of energy to keep up with your big brother.

April Showers

This kid had a pretty productive April.

He had a doctor’s appointment, celebrated his first Easter, spent some time at Grandma & Papa’s house (where Grandma taught him how to clap his hands and play Pat-a-Cake), he got two new teeth, and started waving bye-bye.

I am sure it won’t be too much longer before we’re adding dates in for more teeth. If you look real close at the next picture, you can see that there are two more teeth on the top row that are just about ready to break through.

He’s a busy kid.

Grass Stained Knees

These pictures were taken the last time we were out visiting my parents. They added a swing to their playground just for Luke (and any future babies too, but for right now The Duke doesn’t have to share with anyone).

It is probably a good thing he’s not expected to share that swing just yet, because the little man absolutely loves it.

Adam loved playing outside with Luke too. I think that playground will be getting a lot of use this summer.

Air Travel

Earlier I caught Adam standing on the bed holding a balloon and saying “up, up, and away” over and over again. I asked him what he was doing and he told me he was trying to go “up, up, and away to Florida”.

Be on the lookout Grandma Cathy and Grandpa Kurt – just in case he gets it to work. He told me he wants to go swimming.


We ran errands yesterday morning and met Dave out for lunch. Poor Luke was so exhausted when we got home he passed right out.

Adam wasn’t too far behind him. Lately in addition to Pillow, More Pillow, and Mickey he’s also required the dinosaur blanket my friend Lisa made him to accompany him wherever he goes. He always tells me that Alicia made his blanket for him (he gets “Miss Lisa” confused with “Alicia”, and since Alicia is Diego’s sister on one of his favorite cartoons, it’s like his own little brush with a celebrity – bet you didn’t know you were that cool Lisa, did you?).

It is really adorable though and I never would have imagined, that just over a year ago when Adam started to steal my favorite pillows off of my bed he’d still be carrying them around today. He named them Pillow and More Pillow (such a creative child) and refers to their cases as their shirts (which I think is adorable, thanks for starting that Dad).

The other day before his nap he ran downstairs to get Pillow, dropped him off in his room and then went back for Mickey. When he returned with the mouse he told me that I could come with him and get his dinosaur blanket and he would get More Pillow and it would be fun, like teamwork.

So I did, and it was.

As a bee

Did you notice I broke my New Year’s Resolution of updating this site two times a  week? For the first time all year I wasn’t able to post at least twice last week. Things have been insanely busy around here lately and are just now starting to slow down a little.

We still have a lot going on, as you can see by Adam’s schedule. My sister and future brother-in-law are coming out to visit this weekend and he’s very excited to see them. I was hoping that by creating a calendar of events it would help him to understand he has to wait a few more days.

I’m not sure if it worked yet. He still keeps insisting that he needs to see Aunt Stacy and Uncle Robbie “right now!”

While I was drawing the different items he corrected me twice. The first time was because I didn’t draw his fireman boots correctly. He actually went and got his shoes so that I could fix my mistake. The second error was having just Stacy and Rob in the lower right corner. According to Adam, I needed to include Tibby (their cat) as well – even though Sgt. Tibbs will not be joining them.

Try not to be too jealous of my amazing art skillz. I am an incredibly gifted artist, I know (self-taught!).

Sound of Silence

I would like to apologize to anyone that tried to access our website over the weekend. After two days of research and troubleshooting, I was able to fix the problem and it should be working now.

Just kidding about me fixing it, unless complaining to Dave about the site being down and saying that I really should send an email to customer service counts as “research and troubleshooting”. I have no idea what the problem was, but it seems to have fixed itself.

Also, I think that is my new favorite Luke picture. He and Adam were playing and both boys were laughing hysterically. I love that sound.  Luke kept standing up, Adam would knock him over, and they would both laugh like crazy. If Adam didn’t knock him down Luke would make himself fall and laugh just as hard.

If you look real close in that picture you can see where two of Luke’s top teeth are almost through. He has four of them coming in right now – all on the top of his mouth (poor kid).