Story Time

Adam was so good yesterday at the library. I was really surprised at how well behaved he was. Don’t get me wrong, Adam is a good kid, however he’s got a lot of energy and so sitting still during story time doesn’t always go as well as I would like.

Of course this was the last story time until the fall. We’ll see if he remembers this good behavior when they start back up again.

Mother’s Day

Adam brought me a card first thing this morning and said, “Here mommy, this is for you! Can I open it?”

So of course I let him (he is laughing in that picture, not crying).

One of Luke’s current favorite things to do is to stand on his head. I don’t understand it, but if Luke’s happy, I’m happy.

Adam was so proud of his coloring and told me he used, “all the colors in the rainbow”.

Happy Mother’s Day everyone!

Crazy Remote Hand Guy

One of Luke’s favorite things to play with right now are remote controls.

If you sat him in a room with food on one side and a remote control on the other I think he would have a really hard time deciding which to go for first – which says a lot – because this kid loves food.

“Hey! I’m Crazy Remote Hand Guy! Now, give me some candy! Don’t you think I deserve some for being this crazy?!” (not sure how many of you will get my Saturday Night Live reference here, but he is a little crazy).

Adam in Red

Guess what we did yesterday?

Also, he totally dressed himself. The shorts are on backwards and the shirt is from last year. It’s sized 18 months.  Thank goodness for washable paint, because he’ll probably be wearing it this summer too.

Adam did recently have a growth spurt though. I haven’t measured him, but I am pretty sure he is a couple inches taller based on the length of his pants (I’m not that bad at laundry so I don’t think I’m suddenly shrinking all his clothes).  The majority of his things are 2T, but another inch or two and we’ll need to switch to 3T pants for the length. Good thing shorts season is coming up.

No Boundaries

This kid has a sixth sense when it comes to the baby gate at the bottom of our stairs.

He seems to know immediately when the gate is down and takes that as an invitation for him to head up the stairs. He will crawl halfway up, turn to see who is watching him and wait for someone to start towards him before going up the rest as fast as he can (laughing hysterically as he goes).

It is, apparently, the best game ever.

I’m awfully fond of you

This, my friends, is the Holy Grail of photographs for me.

There is nothing in Luke’s mouth, both boys are happy and looking at the camera (well, in this case they were looking at the duck on my head, but that’s close enough).

Adam then insisted on putting the duck on his head – which turned out to be a fantastic idea. He normally has a fit when it is time for me to rinse the shampoo out of his hair, but didn’t have a problem with me dumping water on the duck.

Works for me.

Derby Day

We went to a Derby Party yesterday and all had a great time. Adam loved running around with the other kids and decorating his Derby hat.

Also, I would like to point out that Adam has been wearing that shirt for over a year now. Luke is going to run out of hand-me-downs soon if that kid doesn’t start growing.