Last week we visited a new (to us) playground near our house. It is closer than the one we normally go to and was a lot nicer too. Adam was a big fan of the rolling slide.
Oh balls
The children’s zoo we visited on Monday also had a great play area for the kids. Adam jumped right in to the ball pit. Luke wasn’t so sure about it though.
I may have given Luke a little push to help him make up his mind.
Adam was all over the playground. He mastered the cargo net in no time at all.
He loved the big slide, “green is my favor-rite clolor!”
I’d bet I’m not the only one looking forward to our next visit.
The Kids (2 and 4 legged)
On Monday we took the boys to the children’s zoo near our house. We got there at just the right time, the goat “maternity ward” was open so we were able to spend some time with the cutest little baby goats.
Adam was very gentle while petting the goats.
Luke kept trying to grab their faces.
Baby goats don’t really like having their faces grabbed.
Luke learned that the hard way.
Adam tried to show Luke the proper way to pet a goat (Tip: Stand to the side to avoid headbutting).
They had other animals there too. I was a big fan of this silly looking guy.
They also had several tortoises and hares – no races that we saw though.
There were areas where you could feed some of the animals. Adam wasn’t interested in that at all; he stuck to Luke feeding.
12 Month Checkup
The Duke had his 12 month well child visit today. He ended up with three shots (all of which burned, according to the nurse) and a trip to the lab for them to check for lead. The poor kid was not impressed. This picture was taken prior to Luke being used as a pin cushion, you can imagine the mood he was in afterwards.
Weight | Length | |
June 9, 2011 | 7 lbs 12 oz | 20.5 inches |
June 14, 2011 | 7 lbs 4 oz | 21 inches |
June 23, 2011 | 7 lbs 10 oz | not taken |
July 11, 2011 | 9 lbs 3 oz | 21.75 inches |
August 16, 2011 | 11 lbs 2 oz | 22.75 inches |
October 21, 2011 | 14 lbs 5 oz | 25.75 inches |
December 21, 2011 | 17 lbs 1 oz | 26.25 inches |
April 3, 2012 | 19 lbs 4 oz | 29 inches |
July 3, 2012 | 21 lbs 5 oz | 30 inches |
And I did figure out how Luke measures up to Adam at this age. Luke is starting to pull ahead, Adam was only 20 lbs 12 oz and 28.5 inches tall. I’ve been warning Adam to be nicer to Luke because someday Luke will be bigger. I don’t think he believes me.
For now Luke is still my little guy though. He’s warm and cranky, I am sure it has a lot to do with the shots. So we are going to go find some tylenol and snuggle in the air conditioning.
Luke’s Last Bear in the Chair
We did take the pictures on his actual birthday, I’m just now getting them posted though. I still can’t wrap my head around the fact that he’s already a year old!!
Summer Camp
Adam and Luke are at “camp” this week. I know they are going to have a blast with Grandma (or Mabel as Adam has taken to calling her), Papa, Aunt Stacy, and Uncle Robbie.
I am enjoying the pictures, text message updates, and phone calls (along with the peace and quiet – yesterday’s agenda included shopping and lunch with a good friend, a pedicure, and then dinner and hanging out with friends – it was awesome).
I do miss my boys though.
Overheard this week
We have a book called “Mommy Hugs” that Adam has been requesting a lot lately at bedtime. I was out the other night and Adam asked Dave to read it – only he insisted that Dave say “Daddy Hugs” instead of “Mommy” while reading it.
We were shopping and Dave and Luke went off to a different part of the store to look for something.
Adam: Mommy, where DaddyLuke go? (he often leaves the “and” out when talking about multiple people)
Me: They went to look for something. We will go find them in a just a minute.
Adam: But Mommy, we have to stay together! We a family remember?
Me: Adam, come here and let me change your diaper.
Adam: No thanks.
Me: Get over here, you smell horrible.
Adam: No, no change my diaper Mommy. I a stinky skunk.
Adam: Mommy, you need you socks on.
Me: No I am wearing flip-flops, I don’t need to wear socks with these shoes.
Adam: Mommy, you need socks on. It’s the law.
While shopping Adam was standing in front of the stroller, blocking my path.
Me: Adam, you have got to move.
Adam (singing): I got the moves like Jagger.
(that one might not make sense to everyone, but if you do get it – it’s pretty funny)
After Dave read him a bedtime story about a wide-mouthed frog that likes to eat flies, Adam announced that he is a “wide-mouthed Adam that likes to eat chicken”.
The Duke’s First Haircut
You may have noticed on the last pictures I posted that Luke looked different. Friday night we took him to get his first haircut.
He actually handled it really well. The only part he didn’t like was when he couldn’t turn his head to see the clippers.
In case you’re wondering where Adam was, he was hiding in the corner of the waiting area.
I kept telling him that he wasn’t going to get a haircut, but I don’t think he believed me.
Believe in Yesterday
Yesterday started with Luke’s one year portraits.
And ended with bubbles, sidewalk chalk, and car washes.
Oh and there was also a bloody nose, after Luke fell on the driveway and landed schnoz first. Poor kid. But considering he started his day with cake for breakfast, there really wasn’t anyplace else for it to go but downhill.