New Wheels

So far Adam really seems to like his new big boy bike. He has a bit of trouble because of the brakes – his tricycle doesn’t have that feature and he likes to pedal backwards sometimes.

The helmet was a gift from Aunt Stacy and Uncle Robbie (safety first). Adam picked out the helmet himself. He also picked out a bell (which I was happy to get him) and a very loud horn (which Aunt Stacy was thrilled to buy).

His shirt says, “I bring the trouble”, and a lot of the time it’s right.

Note to Stacy: You will have children someday and I will remember that horn.

Turning 3, Part 2

Adam had a few requests for his birthday. He asked me if he could have a balloon, a cookie cake (“to why I really like cookies mama”), a party hat, and a cupcake. It seemed like a reasonable list of demands so I didn’t mind promising to meet all of them. He was pretty set on those four things, and it wasn’t until a couple of days later that he asked if he could “maybe have a birthday present too”.

For his birthday dinner we went to his favorite restaurant, The Apple. Some of the waiters clapped and sang to him – he was a big fan of the clapping, but covered his ears when they started to sing.

When we got home we brought out the balloons, party hats, and cookie cake (he already had his birthday cupcake – or at least the frosting off of a birthday cupcake – after lunch).

Adam loved his “party”. There were a few near catastrophes though. Luke refused to wear a party hat and Adam declared that his party was “ruined”. I convinced him that it was okay for Luke not to wear a hat, since he’s just a little guy, and the birthday boy seemed okay with that, “my party is perfect again”.

We also lost power for several minutes, which led to Adam saying, “oh no, my party ruined again”. Once the lights came back on it was all perfect again though.

And there were presents too. His big gift was a new bike. His favorite gift was a thirty-five cent magnifying glass.

Go figure.

Turning 3, Part 1

We had quite a day today celebrating Adam’s 3rd birthday. We started it with a trip to the zoo with some friends.

Luke had to taste test the crackers we bought to feed the animals (I checked beforehand and they were just rye crackers, perfectly safe for human consumption).

Luke decided they didn’t taste that great though and gladly shared them with the goats.

Adam preferred to feed the deer.

After the crackers were gone, Aunt Stacy and Adam checked out the fish.

We visited the goat maternity ward again today.

The poor goats were tormented by Luke. His favorite thing to do is pull their ears.

It doesn’t matter if they are big or little – goats don’t like it when you pull their ears.

Luke ended up getting kicked by one baby goat that was trying to get away from him. Luke wasn’t fazed at all and immediately grabbed the poor baby’s ear again.

Adam, in his advanced age, is much kinder to our four-legged friends.

What the Hail

Monday night I ran out to do some shopping when Dave got home from work. When I got home I parked in the driveway. It was raining and the kids were playing in the garage. Adam was being really nice to Luke and shared his car with him.

He even offered, out of the kindness of his heart I am sure, to push him around the garage.

He took him right to the doorway of the garage and then pushed him out in to the rain.

I think we’ll leave that little incident off of his application for Big Brother of the Year.

I left my car outside when we went in for dinner and planned on moving it in the garage after we ate.

A few minutes later the hail started.

Yeah, that would be a quarter in Dave’s hand next to a piece of hail. Once it started Adam and I sat in lawn chairs in the (vehicleless) garage (no way I was going out in that hail to move my car). He was amazed that there was ice falling from the sky, and even more so that I let him eat some of it.

Going to the chapel

We’ve had a lot going on around here lately. The biggest news to share is that my sister got married last weekend!

The boys and I spent the week prior to the wedding out at my parents to help with the last minute wedding details.

Adam was the ring sign bearer. I wasn’t sure if he would actually walk down the aisle alone, in a church full of people he didn’t know, but he did. He turned around and ran back up the aisle at the end, but that’s alright.  And he did it all without wearing shoes.

I didn’t really take any pictures of my own, so I stole these three from others. I’ll post more once Stacy and Rob get the professional ones back from their photographer.

Hopefully right now they are busy enjoying their honeymoon in Hawaii. I am so happy for them both (and a little jealous too).