Errand Boy

Dave took this week off from work, so this morning Adam and I ran errands together while Luke and Daddy stayed home. We had a list, complete with pictures, so Adam could keep track of our stops. I’m not sharing the list because I don’t want you all to be jealous of my amazing art skills (and because it’s still in the car).

Our last stop was the grocery store. I needed to pick up the ingredients to make a treat to take to my Wednesday night knitting group. Since we had such a short list, Adam was in charge of the cart.

He also was in charge of getting himself dressing this morning, in case you were wondering. The sticker on his arm is from the nice lady at the post office.

Last night when I told him that we were going to be running errands and that Luke would be staying home with Dave he got very concerned.

Adam: “Why Luke not coming too Mama?”

Me: “Because he is going to stay home with Daddy.”

Adam: “Is the post office scary?”

Me: “No, the post office is nice. You have been there lots of times.”

Adam: “If the post office is not scary then Luke can come!”

It’s hard to argue with logic like that. This morning though, he seemed fine with it being just the two of us and we were able to cross everything off of our list.


Adam had his first dentist appointment on Thursday. I was worried he would throw a huge tantrum (if you’ve ever had the pleasure of taking him for a haircut you know what I am talking about). While we were in the waiting room I was teasing him, telling him that he only had four teeth. He said, “No mama, I have twenty teeth”. I’m not sure where he picked that up from, but I later learned from the dentist that he was exactly right.

He was definitely nervous, but the hygienist was awesome with him. She explained everything she was doing and was incredibly patient with him. He let her clean all of his bottom teeth and half of the top ones before he clamped his mouth shut and said, “I don’t like this anymore. I all done.”

He did let her floss his teeth, which surprised me. When she showed him the dental floss he said, “Papa use that too” and opened his mouth. I don’t think he was as impressed with flossing once she started, but she worked quickly and by the time he decided he was done, she was too.

In the end he left with mostly clean teeth, a new winnie-the-pooh tooth brush, and favorable impression of the dentist (which I was very happy about – especially since we’ll be going back in six months).

To why I love this kid

Lately Adam has been talking a lot about growing up. He told me last week that he wants to be a garbage man some day (when he is big). He said that Luke will be big too and will drive the truck and he will ride on the back. Later he said that maybe he would drive the truck (in my opinion that would be the better job).

I told him he can stay little for a while, that there is no hurry for him to grow up. But he insists on it, “to why I need to reach the fish crackers on top of the refrigerator”. I am going to start keeping them on the bottom shelf of the pantry – problem solved, no need for my little man to get older.

On Monday he asked me if he can go to college some day. He said wants to learn about art, musical instruments, and “cluegers” (computers). I asked him what his favorite instrument was and he said the green kazoo, but he also really likes trombones and ukuleles.

He is going to be the most versatile garbage man ever.

Also, I love the way he says “to why” instead of the word “because”. I’ve adopted it in to my own vocabulary, to why I never want him to stop saying it.

Feelin’ Groovy

As promised, here are the results of our tie-dye play-date.

I love how Luke still leads with his belly when he walks.

I think Adam was most excited about his newly dyed green socks.

One of my tricks to get the boys to smile when I am taking pictures is to put something on my head and pretend to sneeze. Here Adam is trying to make me smile by putting his water cup on his head.

And here he is, caught in the act, dumping it on the floor. He didn’t even pretend to sneeze first (and I didn’t laugh either).

At least he looked cute doing it.

The Shermanator

We had a tie-dye play-date today. The kids were more interested in playing, so the moms did the tie-dying (the little ones did have some creative input through, and picked the colors they wanted). No pictures of the actual tie-dying (10 kids and 3 adults – the odds were not in our favor), but I will be sure to post pictures of the finished products.

It was a lot of fun and we’ve already discussed getting together to do it again – just the grown-ups next time. I think it is something Adam would enjoy doing sometime too. We just need to pick a time when there aren’t any other distractions.

After naptime Adam asked if we could have art time. I told him we already had, but he was quick to point out that the mommies did art time, not him. So we got out the paints and he did a portrait of Sherman.

Adam thinks it is hilarious to call Luke “Sherman”. It’s my fault really, because I have referred to Luke by that name several times, and Adam was quick to pick it up. That kid is a tank, so “Sherman” is a pretty fitting moniker. Adam even told the doctor last week that his little brother is named Sherman.

Poor Luke. I’m sorry buddy.

Bragging on Rosie

Last time Stacy visited us she was a sewing machine (ha, ha, get it?) and finished the whole top of a quilt in two days. She left it with me so I could put the back on it and I returned it to her this past weekend.

It is a gift for one of her best friends (who is due the end of this month with a little boy) and I know the mama-to-be is going to love it.

It got Luke’s stamp of approval.

Stacy did an awesome job and should be really proud. I am really looking forward to more sisterly sewing projects in the future.