Author Archives: Sandy
We had snow, we had snow, we had snow
The 12 Songs of Christmas: #1
You Better Not Pout
We took the kids to see Santa tonight. Here’s the best picture we got of the four of them:
But these other ones are really fun too.
Poor Annie wasn’t sure what was going on.
She did come around a little though.
And we even got a couple of smiles.
She hung out with Dave and me while the older kids chatted with Santa.
He didn’t come right out and say it, but I think they’re all on the nice list this year.
Mele KalikiMaggie
I’m not sure where November went, but hello December! Yesterday Maggie had her Holiday Dance Recital. Her class tap danced to Mele Kalikimaka.
Santa even took some time off to come watch the show.
Maggie’s all the way on the right in these pictures.
I love her deep bow.
JoJo wasn’t impressed.
Maggie was so excited to get flowers after her performance.
Random cute Annie picture.
Dancing is hard work and this poor girl was worn out.
Maggie was so happy with the shirt I made for her recital that she asked me to make her “lots more.”
I’m just happy that she’ll get more use out of it than just a less than two minute long dance.
And speaking of…
Her favorite part is when the palm trees sway. I’m so proud of that girl. She did a great job.
Fancy Halloween
Maggie needed a second Halloween costume, for her class party. She needs help getting in and out of her acrobat outfit, so it wasn’t really appropriate for school. She asked me to make her a Fancy Nancy dress. We’re big Fancy Nancy fans here, so I was all for it.
Fun fact: Nancy’s full name is Nancy Margaret Clancy.
Annie and I were able to come to the class Halloween party. I surprised Maggie by having Annie dress up like Nancy’s little sister, JoJo (which is where Annie got the JoJo nickname from).
The kindergarten students got to parade around the school and show off their costumes.
Then they went back to the room for snacks. JoJo was pretty excited when Maggie’s teacher gave her a cookie.
In case you’re not as familiar with Fancy Nancy as we are, here’s what she and JoJo look like (at least on the Disney show).
I think we nailed it.
Pumpkin Glow
Saturday night we went to a local nature reserve to see 800 jack o’lanterns.
I don’t like carving pumpkins, but I do love seeing how creative some of them can get.
This was one of my favorites.
I think the kids liked the ones that were were carved to say “candy” best, because they marked the trick-or-treat stops.
There were so many amazing ones.
Afterwards we went out for ice cream. Luke and Maggie stuck with the theme for the night and got monster faces on theirs.
Planes, Science, and Halloween Fun
This morning we went to a Halloween event at the Air Force Museum.
Maggie thought she looked “just like the lady on the airplane.”
There were a bunch of fun science experiments set up for the kids to take part in. Dave and I really liked this one. Did you know that an orange floats? But, if you peel it, the peel will float and the orange will sink? We didn’t. There are air pockets between the orange and the peel which allow it to float.
Another fun fact, Diet Coke floats, but Coke sinks. That’s because of the sugar content – there’s 39 grams of sugar in a can of Coke and only half a gram in a can of Diet Coke.
Luke really liked talking to this gentleman about electrical circuits and how they work.
It was a great way to spend our morning.
Haunted House for Sale
Pumpkin Party
Wednesday night we took the kids to a Pumpkin Party. They had a bunch of fun activities and an outdoor showing of one of our favorite movies.
Unfortunately, it was being played too late for us to stay and watch it.
We did have fun walking around and looking at all of the amazing jack o’lanterns.
The chalk drawings were incredible too.
Maggie wanted her picture taken with everything.
It was a really fun night.