Star Chasm

I’m going to try to get better about posting here more frequently (I know, I know, we’ve all heard that before). This has been a weird year. We haven’t been as busy as normal – no sports or extra curriculars for the kids and no fun family outings (thanks covid). But we’ve also had a lot of big things going on around here – we moved, the older kids started in a new school district, Dave retired from the military, I did my student teaching and wrapped up my work on my master’s in school librarianship. And those are all important things that are definitely worth documenting, but so are the little things like how Luke says “star chasm” instead of sarcasm. Example: “The Bills are playing today, woo hoo. I didn’t mean that in a star chasm way.” So I am going to work on that, we’ll see how it goes.

We’ve been playing a lot of games around here lately. Adam got this super fun card game for Christmas and it’s one of out current favorites.