For the past couple of nights Adam has been sleeping horribly. He’s been waking up a lot and when he finally does get to sleep he’s been really restless. I think this was due to his tooth making it’s final surge through the gum-line. That’s right – as of yesterday we confirmed the appearance of Adam’s first tooth. I was a little unsure of what date is the actual date to use (for baby book purposes – please tell me I’m not the only one that obsesses about this type of thing). I mean, should it be when the tooth first breaks the surface? Or when it’s through all the way?
In the end we decided to go with when the tooth was first able to inflect pain on someone other than its owner (those little suckers are sharp!). So that means that March 7th was the date for the record book. He chomped down on Dave pretty good yesterday (that’s my boy).