Today’s Letter is “O”, for Obsessed

This kid loves letters.  He spent the whole bath sticking his new foam letters and numbers to the wall of the tub and saying what they were as he did. He was so funny once they were all stuck to the side of the tub he would stand up and clap and cheer for himself. After he was done celebrating I would use the washcloth to clean the wall off and knock them back in to the tub and we’d start all over again.

I only gave him about 12 of the 84 foam characters and of the dozen I grabbed the only one he really knew was the “W” (or “M” if he stuck it on the wall upside down).  I might go through them and pick out the ones he knows and the ones he says frequently (like “E” and “A” and “T”, even though he can’t identify him yet).

I’m not pushing the letter recognition though. He enjoys pointing them out and likes playing with his foam and magnetic letters.  He also really likes to have me write the letters (on paper with crayons or on the driveway in chalk) so he can color on them. He’s just a little guy though, he’s got plenty of time to learn all this.  I’ll keep telling him what the letters are when he hands them to me and writing letters for him to scribble on whenever he asks, but learning the alphabet before he’s two isn’t a goal of ours.

He’s got more important things to figure out right now – like how to get out of a onesie without unsnapping the bottom.  Pretty sure he mastered that one today.

2 thoughts on “Today’s Letter is “O”, for Obsessed

  1. I applaud the frequent updates. I also can’t wait to have bath-time splash-time now that letters are involved. We need some for home since he has a pathetic supply of bath toys. Anyway, cute posts, even if I am sad that Adam doesn’t love Winnie the Pooh as much as I do 🙁 See you Friday!!!

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