The Kids

This girl is just a ball of fire.

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One of my favorite things she does right now, is when she sneezes, she immediately says, “Bless you, me” afterwards.

20151010_092700For some reason, Adam refers to these as his “Elvis Pants”. I don’t know where he came up with that name or what he thinks it means, but it cracks me up. Adam dresses up for school one day a week. I normally have him do it on Wednesdays, since he has church school and doesn’t have gym or art. So “Elvis Pants” are becoming his Wednesday favorite.


Luke, on the other hand, has a style all his own. One day last week he told me that he wants to wear his “shirt with the dots”. I was confused, because he doesn’t have any polka-dot shirts. I asked him if maybe he meant the striped shirt, and he pointed to a button down plaid shirt. Then he asked me if I would help him “to do the dots” – that’s when I realized he was calling buttons “dots”.

I also love how he asks each morning if he should wear shorts or “pants with sleeves”.

I am less enamored with how he is fighting me on cutting his fingernails because, “kitties have long claws”.

20151017_145929These are the little things I want to remember – like how Adam always used to say “to why” instead of because. Eventually I will get around to baby books for them all – maybe before they graduate high school. If not, at least I’m capturing some of it here.

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