I’ve got to give Aunt Stacy credit for taking Adam and Bruzer for a walk (Bruzer is my brother and sister-in-law’s 12 week old puppy). I’m not sure I would have attempted it. However, she not only survived the walk, but brought back a sleeping baby. What can I say? Aunt Stacy is awesome.
Bruzer is an adorable dog and he was really good with Adam too. The little dude loved watching him and petting him. Adam was less impressed when Bruzer repeatedly licked his face (I’m guessing he was just cleaning up some leftover lunch).
For those of you wondering at home, yes we’ve talked about adding a pooch to our family. After discussing the matter at length we’ve decided that every boy should grow up with a dog, and so we will be getting a pup of our very own…..in about 4 years.