The kids were sick all weekend. Adam was especially bad Monday night and so when he woke with a fever yesterday morning, we decided to keep him home from school. I was able to get all three of them in to see the doctor in the afternoon.
Maggie and Luke both have croup (a barking cough), on and off low-grade fevers, and are all stuffed up.
Adam had different symptoms though. He had a cough, a fever, and a weird rash that showed up a couple of times. He also complained about his head and stomach hurting. The doctor ordered a chest x-ray and it turns out he has pneumonia.
He started taking antibiotics last night and probably won’t be going to school at all this week. He’s handling it like a champ (now that we found just the right bribe to get him to take the medicine – 5 m&m’s and a pack of fruit snacks).
He’ll go back Monday for another chest x-ray and has a follow up appointment on Tuesday of next week. Hopefully the antibiotics will have done their job and he’ll be feeling back to normal by then.
These kindergarten germs are no joke.