Say Click

Adam loves to take pictures with my camera. He’s very careful with it and is good about returning it to me when his allotted number of photos is up (when I want it back I’ll give him three last pictures).

So it’s always a surprise when I put the memory card in my computer to see what is on it.

He’s also been interested in the solar system lately. The other day he brought me a rubber ball and a hair tie and asked me to “make the ball look like Saturn, with rings on it”. Later, when Dave got home from work, he asked Adam if he knew any other planets. Adam was quick to respond with Mars. Dave then asked if he knew which planet we lived on and Adam said, “Planet Earth”. I’d say that’s pretty good for a three-year-old. Dave asked if he knew any more and Adam’s response was, “Yes, but I don’t want to tell you”.

So Dave grabbed some crayons and drew him a diagram of the sun and planets (I am allowed no part in space discussions/education after Dave heard me telling Adam there was a planet named Pluto). But later, I asked Adam what the planet closest to the sun was and he told me “Bakery” (instead of Mercury).

That is a planet I would like to see.

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