Ranger Adam

Adam got a magazine subscription this year as a birthday gift from his great-grandparents in Florida. He loves getting mail and is extra excited each time the postman delivers a new one. He calls them his “researches” and keeps all the past issues in his room. He likes to look at the pictures during rest time. I love them too because they’re fun and educational (I am all about sneaking in some learnin’).

20131022_113635We read a few pages at a time together and when we’re done we’ll got back through and re-read some of his favorite parts. There is a story in each issue that has pictures used in place of some of the words, so he gets to read with me. We both really enjoy that. There are also puzzles and problem solving activities for us to figure out. Adam worked on his very first word search earlier.

20131022_113809Yesterday we read about harvest mice and today we read about marsupials. Did you know that baby kangaroos are the size of a grape when they are born? I knew they were small, but grapes are super tiny (see – I’m learning too).

Thank you again Grandma & Grandpa U for such a fun gift!

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